Thursday, January 31, 2019

review: 24K gold gel face mask (global beauty care)

It seems that year after year, one beauty resolution remains the same: take better care of my skin. (In fact, I have included this in my beauty resolutions posts year after year.) Improvements have definitely been made. Particularly over the past year or so. I've invested in products that work well and suit my skin type. Despite typically sticking to a select group of favourite skin care is fun to try out something new every now and then. On a shopping trip, I came across a mask set from Global Beauty Care. It was the 24K Gold Gel Face Mask, shown above. The gold aspect was certainly fun and intriguing but I'd also been on the hunt for a new face mask to incorporate into my beauty routine. So, does it work?

The 24K Gold Gel Face Mask claims are as follows: to hydrate, smooth, and soften skin. To reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also claims to be suitable for all skin types. Right off the bat, it sounded good and the packaging was certainly fun....but would it actually deliver? The set came in a shiny gold box and included a 5oz tub of product as well as a flat rubber brush for application. In terms of the actual packaging, it was fairly simple and standard. It comes in a clear plastic tub and has a simple golden cap on top. Certainly nothing special but it does the job. That being said, the golden shimmer of the mask makes the product look stunning sitting on my beauty shelf.

As for the actual performance? The application process was fairly simple thanks to the applicator brush. That flat paddled brush made it quick and easy to apply the product all over the face. It was also very easy to wash and is something I plan to keep long after the mask is all used up. I just love it for application. Something that surprised me with the mask itself? Though it looks very golden in the tub, once you apply it on the face, it is more of a sheer shimmer rather than giving you a full on golden effect. After removing the product, I noticed that my skin felt smoother and softer. I have dry skin and found this mask to be quite hydrating and soothing. As for the anti-aging claims...that remains to be seen. Only time will tell!

Rating: 4 / 5

I have been incorporating this face mask into my skin care routine twice a week so far. It has made my skin smoother and softer - and I've been enjoying the results thus far. This was a wonderful find (especially because it only set me back about $10) and a welcome addition to my beauty routine.  

Have you tried the 24K mask? What is your favourite face mask?


  1. I used to buy and use this product a long time ago. The applicator is nice but the gel is really thin and I don't see or feel much of a difference in my skin after use.

    1. I really did enjoy the applicator! Such a nice little extra. It's too bad you didn't notice too much of a difference. It's really helping my skin lately, especially with staying hydrated this winter.

  2. Sounds like a good product. Kisses!

  3. Wow, would definitely want to try this.

    The Flower Duet

    1. I'd recommend it if you happen to come across the mask! Thank you for reading :)

  4. This mask sounds amazing! Love it and I think it would benefit my dry skin

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog

    1. I think it would as well! It's seriously been saving my skin this winter!

  5. io amo le maschere *_* una vera e propria scoperta

    1. Thank you! Yes, face masks are always wonderful :)

  6. I have been wanting to try the Peter Roth version of this. I have heard good things

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Oh, for sure! If you try that one, definitely let me know how it performs!

  7. Oh very interesting mask darling

  8. I have been seeing this and I want to try it

    1. It's definitely a good one! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Thanks for those great tipps dear 😊

    1. Of course! Thank you for visiting and all of your support :)

  10. I found mine at the Dollar tree and just use it for the first time tonight. For a buck my face feels pretty hydrated and softer for sure. I left it on like 30 minutes accidentally instead of the 10 to 15 and my face is a little sensitive so it's kind of itchy, but nothing like too dramatic. I think I'll get a couple more of these and give them as gifts for Christmas or something. Honestly for a dollar you can't go wrong lol. You should go check your local Dollar tree to see if you can find it to the stock up on it instead of paying 10 for one

    1. Oh nice! Thank you so much for the heads up. The next time I am at Dollar Tree, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled. That would definitely make for a wonderful Christmas gift. Thanks again!


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