Thursday, February 14, 2019

happy valentines day + tips to look stylish this valentines day

Happy Valentine's Day! I have always loved holidays. There is something special about all of the wonderful seasonal events. Whether it is a birthday, Christmas, or Valentine's Day....there seems to be a lovely kind of magic in the air. When it comes to this particular holiday, there are plenty of exciting ways to celebrate. You can share a dinner date with a significant other, go to a movie with a good friend, hang out with family members, or shower yourself with lots and lots of self love. Whatever you choose to do today, have fun. Throw on some pink lipstick, eat heart shaped candies, and always remember to smile. After all, this is a day of love and celebration.

And the sunlight clasps the earth 
   And the moonbeams kiss the sea: 
What is all this sweet work worth 
   If thou kiss not me? 
- Percy Bysshe Shelley (Love's Philosophy)

Tips to Look Stylish This Valentine's Day

Love is everywhere you turn. That’s right, Valentine’s Day is here again. The world is suddenly full of pink and red, chocolate, candy hearts, and chic flicks galore. It is a beautiful time to embrace love. Whether you are single or spoken for this year…. now is the perfect time to infuse your look with a little holiday style. Want to create a gorgeous date night outfit? Looking to wow your friends and family? Get inspired by Valentine’s Day! Pink, red, white, and all things romance will be on full display. Here are some tips to make sure you look stylish all day and night.

Look Pretty In Pink. It isn’t easy to pull off an all red look on Valentine’s Day. More often than not you wind up looking like an overgrown chocolate box. The solution? This year, why not opt for pink instead? This is a much subtler way of enjoying those fun and flirty holiday shades. Take a look through your closet and see what you have to work with. A pink dress is great for a dinner date. Or a pink pastel sweater will look great at home or at the movies. The key to making your outfit perfect for Valentine’s Day is to stick to softer shades of pink. It will give your look that hint of romance without looking too overdone.

Mix and Match. Do you remember the headlines Emma Stone made all those years ago? She sported red and pink together. In one look. Cue shock! She took a fashion don’t and turned it into a total fashion do. Wearing a combination of red and pink can look great. It all depends on how you wear it. Look for simpler pieces and wear them together. Avoid prints or bold patterns. That can cause your red and pink ensemble to look chaotic and busy. Instead, stick to solids. They will make sure all eyes are on you…. for the right reasons.

Play With Accessories. Not feeling pink and red this year? That is okay. You can still look stylish and embrace the holiday. Just play with accessories. There are so many great ways to infuse a little fun into an ordinary outfit. Think of pieces like a red bracelet, a pink statement necklace, or a pair of silver heart shaped earrings. You can incorporate colour or just stick to romantic symbols, like hearts or arrows. Have fun with it.

Valentine’s Day fashion tends to get a bad rap. Not this year. Embrace all of the excitement the holiday has to offer. Wear soft pink shades, rock a red and pink look, or get creative with your accessories. The possibilities are endless. So, give your wardrobe some love!

How will you celebrate Valentine's Day?


  1. Nice tips :) I don't celebrate Valentine's Day.

  2. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  3. Nice tips, thanks for sharing.
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  4. Thanks for your visiting my blog 😊 I followed your blog 😊 have a nice day

  5. You can never go wrong with pink! Happy Valentine's day, carina!

    The Flower Duet

  6. I love valentines day! this is a amazing day :) happy!
    great post honey, really great!
    kisses from Poland :*

    1. Thank you so much! I hope your Valentine's Day was wonderful!

  7. That is a cute red dress

    Hope you a a lovely Val?

  8. I hope you feel loved and appreciated on Valentine's Day.

  9. Belated Happy Valentine's Day, Shannon:) And just wanna add love that red dress on the pic. I want!
    Have an awesome long weekend:)

    1. To you as well! And haha I definitely want the dress too!

  10. Hi dear! I saw on your IG profile that you spent a nice Valentine's Day!

  11. I spent a nice Valentine's Day. I hope that you too. :*

    Kisses ♥


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