Tuesday, February 26, 2019

reading habits tag + six books on my to-read list

Reading is one of my oldest loves. Many of my most cherished childhood memories involve a book of some sort. In my teenage years, books became my safe place. To this day, reading is a huge part of who I am. Books help me learn, explore, and imagine. After seeing a reading habits post from the wonderful Amanda Mercuri (which you can read here), I knew immediately it was time to do a book related post here on Mansa Fashion. For today's post, it is books, books, and more books. That's right. I'll be answering questions from the reading habits tag as well as showing you a few of the books on my to-read list.

Reading Habits TAG

  1. When do you read (morning, afternoon, night, all day, or when you have time)? For me, it really depends. I read every day on my break at work and a few pages each morning to start my day. Beyond that, it is whenever I can fit it in! For instance, this past weekend, I started and finished two books. I do my best to make time to read whenever possible!
  2. Do you read only one book at a time? Never. I usually read two to five books at a time. I have a book that I read at work. I have a book that I read before bed. I have a book that I keep in my purse. The list goes on and on! It really depends on what mood I'm in.
  3. What is your favourite place to read? I have this big comfy chaise lounge chair in my office at home. I love to light a sweet smelling candle, pour myself a cold drink, and curl up all day long. 
  4. What do you do first: read the book or watch the movie? Personally, I prefer to read the book before the movie. That being said, there have been some instances where that hasn't been possible. For instance, maybe a friend wants to see the movie and I haven't had a chance to read the book yet. (We've all been in that scenario.) 
  5. Which book format do you prefer (audiobook, e-book, or physical book)? Oh, I love a physical book. I have shelves upon shelves of books. And they make me happy. There is something so special about holding a book in your hands, turning the pages, and enjoying that wonderful book scent. I do have some ebooks (nothing like a free download or using your Google Play money on a phone book) and audiobooks (to listen to on my walks home). 
  6. Do you have an exclusive habit when reading? Not really! My only real habit is to turn my cell phone over so I can't see when a new message comes through or that blinking light. There is no faster way to get pulled out of a book than with your phone distracting you.
  7. Do the covers of a series have to match or does it not matter? It's doesn't matter too much but I'll be honest, and say that I prefer them to match and look the same. The reason? It just looks nicer on my bookshelf. 

Six Books on my To-Read List

I'll be honest. There are stacks and stacks of books on my to do list at the moment. Some are from the library and some are books that I have purchased. Since reading is always on my mind....I like to think ahead to the next batch of books that I will focus my attention on. Here are six on my current to-read list:

  1. The 6 Keys by Jena Hughenian Michaels. I am a big fan of Jena Hughenian Michaels and can honestly say that her workouts have been life changing for me. They're hard but her non-nonsense attitude is a huge motivator for me. Especially on days when I really don't want to work out! Jena Hughenian has released several books over the years, and I always purchase them as soon as they come out. The latest is The 6 Keys which is all about aging well and being strong and healthy, wherever you are in life. 
  2. Wedding Day Murder by Leslie Meier. Ooh, do I love a good mystery novel! I have read quite a few from Leslie Meier over the years, so I was really excited to find this particular book on sale. It is part of the Lucy Stone series and focuses on of course, a wedding day murder. There is nothing as satisfying as a who-done-it, so this is a book I am especially eager to sink my teeth into.
  3. Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. This is a book I kept hearing about over and over again. I'd seen it at bookstores constantly and pretty much everyone ever was buzzing about it. (Some in good ways and others in not-so-good ways.) Well, when I saw it for 40% off, I decided to take the plunge and see what all the fuss was about. Partly because I love a good self help book but also because this sounds interesting and totally up my alley. Time will tell if it lives up to the hype!
  4. A Girl's Best Friend by Lindsey Kelk. Yes, I am a fan of Lindsay Kelk and her work. (I even met her a few years ago at an event and book signing, which you can read about here.) This particular book is about two best friends at Christmas time....which is really everything I need from a novel. Nothing makes me happier than a fabulous story with a holiday backdrop.
  5. The Woman's Book of Hope by Emma Colley Campbell. Some books you read and some books stay with you. That is how I would describe another book from this author, The Woman's Book of Joy. I've read and re-read that book countless times. I've bought it for friends. I've shared it with people I love. It was a magnificent book that I truly believe in. Now, there is another! The Woman's Book of Hope is all about finding hope in this dark, dark world. Given everything we hear about these days and the political landscape...this is more important than ever.
  6. A Better Me by Gary Barlow. My love of Gary Barlow goes back decades. I have been a fan of his since Take That first started releasing music. I have his first biography and loved it (and even met him in London at a book signing back then), so of course, I was thrilled to get my hands on the follow up. I can't wait to read more about his life. 
Books are are a huge part of my life. I love reading everything from fiction to self help to biographies and everything in between. There is always so much to learn! So many characters to discover! I suspect reading will always be a massive part of who I am...and that makes me very happy indeed.

What books are on your to do list? Do you love to read?


  1. Books are a huge part of my life, too!! Reading is one of my passions!! Great post!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Aww thank you! So glad there is another book lover here :)

  2. Shannon, so great to read this. I'm also such a huge book nerd. I never really had a lot of friends growing up and am a real introvert so books have always been my constant companion. And your list sounds great....so diverse! That Wedding Day Murder sounds really good:) I'm on a Neil Gaiman and Murakami kick right now so I'm reading their works a lot.

    PS I would just like to say thank you soooo much for always leaving such awesome and supportive comments on my posst. It really makes my day:) You rock!

    1. I related so much to what you said. Books have always been friends to me as well. I'll have to look into the authors you mentioned, for sure. And of course. You are amazing :)

  3. Eu gosto bastante de ler romances 😍 a leitura me faz tão bem 🤗 amei seu post sobre o assunto bjs 😙

  4. Aw such a lovely post!! Since having M.E I no longer read cause I feel like I am just surviving day to day, trying to get as much done as I can, my resolution this year is to make more time for me :D now I just need a new read to get stuck in to, thank you for this! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. That totally makes sense! I think making time for yourself is a great resolution to have :)

  5. Well reading is very good and its a good thing you got some more
    This is very nice
    Thank you for sharing
    Hope your Wednesday is going just as planned?

    Best wishes

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, I had a lovely day. I hope your week is going well so far :)

  6. I really like to read book these days and those 6 would be a great recommendation, thank you for sharing :)



    1. I am so glad you love reading lately as well! Thank you!

  7. I love reading too. Always good for the mind and body. Great list, Wedding Murder sounds interesting!


    1. It really is! And yes, I've started reading it and it is really good so far.

  8. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

    1. Aww thank you! Hope you have a great day as well :)

  9. I must admit that reading was perhaps one of my first hobbies, I also read from my childhood but with the arrival of technology was a habit that has been decreasing and it is something I miss reading a book followed, I am one of those who see the film no longer wants to read the book, but on the contrary if I read the book first I will not miss the movie just to see if I agree on something that I imagine when reading it, the scenarios or characters, I really liked this tag and I hope can read more this year. Kisses.

    1. Oh, that makes me so happy to hear! Reading is such a wonderful pastime. I definitely relate to you when it comes to technology making it more difficult to find time to read. (Personally, I spent way too much time on my phone sometimes.) I hope you are able to read more this year as well!

  10. I love also reading too much. Great list dear 😊


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