Tuesday, February 12, 2019

take your valentine's day makeup from day to night

Do you want your Valentine’s Day makeup to look sweet or sultry? Well, how about a little bit of both. The most romantic day of the year is quickly approaching. That means it is time to whip out the chocolate hearts, choose an adorable singing card, and start thinking about your Valentine’s Day makeup. It doesn’t matter if you are attached or single. You can still have fun with your makeup this February 14th. The best place to begin is with a simple but sweet daytime look. From there, you can transform it into something dramatic, sultry, and perfectly suited to a special night on the town. Are you ready to get started? Then let’s go....

Sweet Daytime Makeup Look

There is something fun about Valentine’s Day makeup. It lets you be a little more playful than usual. It also allows you to incorporate more pink into your look than ever before! To create this sweet daytime makeup look, start by applying a soft pink eyeshadow shade all over the lid. Make it look soft by blending the edges with a medium brown shadow. Add on one coat of mascara. Then it is time to move onto the cheeks and lips. This is where you will create a little more oomph.

Choose a pretty pastel pink for your cheeks. (Think something ultra rosy like the Benefit Pose Tint.) Using an angled blush brush, apply it to the apples of the cheeks and blend upward toward the hairline. Layer a pink toned highlight over top for a fresh and dewy glow everyone will love. Take a look through your makeup collection. What pink lipstick shades do you have at the ready? Opt for a medium pink shade for your lips and layer a gloss over top. Or keep it trendy and celebrity inspired by wearing a cool toned pink, like Kim Kardashian. For this daytime look, you want to avoid anything too bright or over the top. Keep it simple and wearable instead.

Sultry Evening Makeup Look

Know that gorgeous daytime makeup look you created? It is time to kick things up a notch! Now that the evening is quickly approaching, you can get a little bolder, a little sexier, and a little more adventurous with your makeup. Maybe you have a dinner reservation, are grabbing drinks with friends, or have a comfy night planned with someone special. Do it looking your very best! You simply need to add a few more products to your existing makeup look.

Let’s start with the eyes. Take a pencil brush or a crease brush and add a little black eyeshadow to the outer corner. Build the colour until it is nice and smoky. Bring the black through the crease and blend. Taking a mid-toned pink shadow (you can also use a blush for this step), blend out the crease. This will add a fun pop of colour without looking too over the top. Use a liquid eyeliner and create a thick line that flicks out slightly at the end. Add on another coat of mascara or some false lashes for even more drama. Keep your blush the same but change up your lipstick for night. You can choose something super bright, wear a classic red lip, or even select a deep berry shade.

In case you missed it...my new YouTube video is up! This one is a glitter lip fail, featuring the new Hard Candy Press + Play Glitteratzi.

Valentine’s Day can be an awful lot of fun. It is a great excuse to do something different with your makeup, get dressed to the nines, and have fun with the people you care about. Look sweet, sultry, and totally unforgettable this year. 

How will you wear your makeup on Valentine's Day?


  1. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  2. I would say I m a bit of both sultry and sweet

  3. Estupendo post! ♥️♥️♥️ Espero tu opinión en mi último post! Saludos! ☃️☃️☃️

  4. The Venus III is a really pretty palette. I've been loving purples lately. Great post!

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty

    1. It sure is! I have been as well. Lately, I've been reaching for vibrant purples shades a lot!

  5. Kim's look on that first pic is one of my fave looks she's worn. Was that by Mario? Thanks for the informative post as always, Shannon:)

    1. I agree! She looks incredible. I'm not sure if Mario did the makeup but it definitely seems like his style.

  6. These are some great tips and inspiration, thank's for sharing!

  7. Thanks for sharing this Valentine's post. They're so romantic and dramatic.
    Loren | plaidandsugar.blogspot.com

  8. I like the inspiring pictures! Will take a look at your newest video :)

    Isa | My Beauty Blog

  9. Great!! Hope you are all feeling the love today!! Happy Valentine's Day ❤️

    ❤ Mary María Style ❤


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