Friday, March 29, 2019

fun and exciting ways to wear pastel

It’s official. Spring is here. It’s really here! No more dreaming about a new season. The wait is over…. and that means fun, fresh, vibrant fashion trends. One of the most enduring spring trends has to be pastel colours. Year after year, high-end designers incorporate soft pinks, blues, greens, yellows, and lilac shades into their collections. And for good reason. These colours are the perfect way to put the winter blues behind you and celebrate life in bloom. Looking for new ways to wear an old favourite? These ideas will help get you inspired and look better than ever before.

Create Subtle Contrast With White Pieces. Spring is a wonderful time to embrace colour. That is the reason pastel shades keep cropping up each year. If you want to take your look to the next level of springtime chic, try adding in a white piece. For instance, throw a white blazer over top of that pastel yellow sundress. Or wear a crisp white blouse with those pale blue cigarette pants. The contrast will be beautiful, wearable, and mix things up in an oh-so-subtle way.

Blend Bold Colours and Pastels Together. There is no doubt about it: pastels look great however you wear them. A pastel pink top will look great with a pair of pastel green pants or even a soft yellow skater skirt. Simply put, pastels of all colours look great together. That makes it easy to combine colours and create a gorgeous ensemble. Want to make the look a little bit different? Try adding in a bold colour. Say for instance you are wearing a pastel pink dress. Wear a pair of cobalt blue heels or carry a neon green purse. That noticeable pop of colour will take your spring look from expected to extraordinary.

Focus On Bold Accessories and Unique Details. One of the risks of wearing an all pastel outfit? You will look super girly, sweet, and feminine. Sometimes that is a great thing. Other times, you want to mix it up. There are plenty of ways to do it. For instance, you can always try adding on some bold accessories. Think of a chunky gold chain, a statement necklace, tons of bangles, or a blinged out purse. Another option is to look for pastel pieces that have unique details. That could be anything from a ruffle to rouching or exposed zippers. The little things can make a big difference.

  • Add on a bright lipstick colour to play with colour even more
  • Mix your pastels with patterns by wearing polka dots or zigzags
  • Wear pastel accessories rather than a head to toe outfit.

Pastel never goes out of style. So, get creative and find fresh ways to rock this trend. With a little creativity and a lot of heart, you will be strutting your stuff wherever you go.

Another fun way to wear pastel is to experiment with makeup. In my latest YouTube video, there are lots of highlights...including some stunning pastel shades. Take a look!

How do you like to wear pastels? Are you excited for spring?


  1. I love pastel shades... this post is so inspiring!
    Kisses, Paola.


    1. I'm so glad you think so! I love pastel as well :)

  2. I love pastels too! Always appropriate!

  3. Great! Come visit my blog if you want.
    I'm following you!

  4. Pastels are my the most favourite colours! ◡‿◡✿

    Blog de la Licorne

  5. Amazing, I love pastels <3 I think they will be match to everything <3

  6. Estupenda entrada! Gracias por tu visita! 👏👏👏

  7. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  8. The older I am, the more I like pastels. :-)

    When I was a teenager, I prefered... blacks. :-)


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