Wednesday, March 20, 2019

gigi hadid: love it or leave it?

When it comes to fashion, Gigi Hadid is one to watch. She is constantly snagging headlines for her unapologetically bold sense of style. Whether she is strutting her stuff on the runway or is heading to an event, she always always looks amazing. (Case in point, the last time Gigi was featured in a love it or leave it? post.) I really admire the fact that she takes chances. It's difficult to pin point her style as just one thing because she is consistently trying out different looks and mixing together pieces to create something totally unique. Recently, she stepped out for Paris Fashion Week. Leaving a lunch date, she looked picture perfect in this casual-glam ensemble. it a love it or leave it? Let's take a closer look and find out.

What I Love: I've got to admit, there is a lot that I love here. First of all, this look has a decidedly 90s aesthetic that I am really into. That oversize striped blazer (in a totally unexpected colour) is a fantastic piece and I think it pairs well with the boyfriend style jeans. I also enjoy the embellishments on the jeans. It adds that extra element of fun and fabulous. It also highlights the fact that Gigi Hadid can pull of just about anything! The accessories are also pretty fabulous, if you ask me. The boots, statement earrings, and that over the top belt all seem to work together...even if they kind of shouldn't. I love that each and every piece has personality and a story to tell.

What I Loathe: Honestly, there isn't any aspect of this look that offends me. For the most part, I think this is a stellar look that blurs the line between fashion and comfort seamlessly. The only thing that I am not a huge fan of are the sunglasses. (Which is a shocker because I am a massive sunglasses addict. In fact, I have quite a large sunglasses collection!) There is just something about the shape that isn't flattering. I almost wish the triangular shape was more dramatic or less dramatic. One of the two.

Overall, I absolutely adore this outfit. The oversize blazer is fabulous, I love the cut of the jeans, and the accessories have lots of personality. Gigi manages to make a dressed down look appear totally upscale. Not an easy feat! In my opinion, this is definitely a love it.

On another note latest YouTube video is up. If you've been wondering what the L'Oreal La Petite Palette line is like, be sure to watch the video below. This first impressions review features a makeup look and swatches from the (fairly recently released) Feminist palette.

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?


  1. I'm not the biggest fan of Gigi, but I must admit I've been loving her style lately, and really wanna get some stuff from her Reebok collection:) And too about the L'Oreal palette:( Good to know that this is a pass, but even with this not-so-good palette, you did a great job with the shadows!

    1. Agree! She doesn't play it safe when it comes to fashion and I really like that. Ooh I hadn't heard about the Reebok collection. I'll have to take a peek at it. And thank you! Working with those shadows was a bit of a struggle but I did my best haha

  2. She does have a great sense of style, and I guess when you're at risk of being photographed at any given moment, you'd definitely put effort and thought into what you step out in. At least I like to think I would do the same hahahaha! I love this look. Very 90's grunge and androgyny. I'm just not feeling the sunglasses.


    1. That is so true! Maybe if someone was going to be taking my picture all day, I'd put in extra effort as well. You're right... This is totally 90s. Which is right up my alley!

  3. I really like this style of her! Maybe another sunglasses! ◡‿◡✿

    Blog de la Licorne

    1. Totally agree! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  4. Dear you are more beautiful than Gigi * - *

  5. Cool outfit. She is a real profi 🙂


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