Tuesday, April 30, 2019

four simple acts that will make you feel good

Being nice. It is easier said than done. Especially when the weather is windy and rainy, you dropped your cell phone, and your morning cup of coffee spilled all over your brand new blouse. Those little annoyances can impact our mood…. and the way we treat other people. Suddenly everyone seems like the enemy. Everyone is testing our patience, pushing our buttons, and is on our last nerve. It doesn’t have to be that way. Are you in a bad mood? Sick and tired of everything and everyone? Try one of these four simple acts. They are guaranteed to make you feel good.

1) Smile At Someone For No Reason At All

It is so easy to ignore the world around us. To throw on our headphones, look down at our smart phone, and zone out. This is your chance to do something different. Shine a little light! Spread some cheer! Okay, it might sound a bit silly, but a small act can make a huge difference. Not just to your mood but to the mood of those around you. The simplest way to make yourself (and others) feel good is to smile. Smile at someone for no reason at all. Smile to be polite. Smile to be open and friendly. Whatever you do? Just smile. Smiling has been found to increase feelings of happiness.

2) Write a Thank You Note

We all have reasons to be thankful. Maybe a friend let you borrow their briefcase for a job interview. Or your sibling lent you some cash when you were in a tight spot. Sit down and think of someone in your life that has helped you out lately. Write them a thank you note. It could be for a specific reason…. or simply for their years of love and support. Writing the note will be good for your soul. It will remind you of how lucky you truly are. Plus you will brighten the day of the recipient. A little gratitude is a wonderful way to perk up your day.

3) Say So Long To Your Seat on Transportation

It is the middle of rush hour. Despite the hoards of fellow commuters, you managed to snag a seat on the subway, bus, or streetcar. Score! Good luck has finally come your way. Guess what? This is your chance to pass it on. Don’t turn your head when an older person walks by. Or when a mother and child struggle to find a handrail. Get up and give up your seat on public transportation. Sure, your back might be aching. You might be tired and grumpy. But doing a good deed for another human being? That will make you feel amazing. 

4) Donate What You Can

We all know that volunteering is a wonderful thing to do. Dedicating your time to a worthy cause always makes you feel good. Unfortunately? You might not have time to volunteer at the moment. Hours at work are long and responsibilities at home are never-ending but that’s okay. Just donate what you can. That could mean giving old clothes to charity. (This helps you de-clutter your space and help those in need at the same time!) Or you can donate small pockets of time by babysitting a child in the neighbourhood for an hour or so. There are so many options! Find small ways that you can make a difference today. 

Sensing a pattern? Doing something kind for someone else is the best possible way to turn things around. Your mood will change. You will feel happier. Grateful. Appreciative. Good. Why stay in a bad mood all day long? Try one of these simple acts of kindness…. and pay it forward.


  1. Not gonna lie, Shannon...with lack of sleep lately and just this crazy weather, I've been crankier than usual. Your post is a great reminder to really turn around my attitude. I think what sets me off the most is driving, and I must really stop having so much anger towards other cray cray drivers...sigh...definitely smiling to a stranger is something I can do to start it off:)

    1. Oh, I hear you on that. I feel like the weather has made me so tired and blah lately. So I have to actively work against that! I hope this list helps and that you start feeling like yourself again soon <3

  2. These are all fabulous ideas to pay it forward!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Thank you so much! I am so glad you think so :)

  3. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!


  4. Love this! I try to always smile at people no matter how I am feeling. <3

    Khadija | October's Lallu

    1. I love that you do that! I'm sure you've brightened an awful lot of days :)

  5. Lovely tips, thanks for sharing!
    Kisses, Paola.


  6. Todo es estupendo! Te espero por mi blog! Feliz día! 💜💜💜

  7. Great post.Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post - www.minniearts.com

  8. These are great ideas! The first one I do it a lot because most of the time I'm smiling (instead of the "resting bitch face" that many people have, I have a "resting smiling face") and a few times a year I donate part of my clothes, last time was a few weeks ago ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Oh, that's awesome! I love that you have resting smiling face....I wish I had that!

  9. Hii Dear,
    Great post thanks for sharing🙋‍♀️

  10. Really inspiring post :) <3


  11. I love writing thank you notes! Hope your week looks up!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Yes! It's such a simple gesture but it means so much.

  12. Very useful tipps dear. Kisses 😍

  13. I started practicing being thankful and it days out. Smiling, saying compliments and thanks (for example making a review for a cafe after you ate there)


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