Wednesday, April 24, 2019

re-creating jeffree star's blue blood look with drugstore products

I was tempted. Very tempted. So tempted, in fact, that I had the Blue Blood eyeshadow palette in my cart and had already started to punch in my credit card information. Then something stopped me. It was....the price. For those of you who don't know, Jeffree Star recently launched his Blue Blood collection. All of the products look beautiful. Though I've never tried anything from his brand before, I did watch the launch video for the collection and the Blue Blood palette looked beyond spectacular. The colours, the pigmentation level, and the over the top packaging? Yes please. Unfortunately, with a $52 US price tag plus $15 US shipping, it was going to set me back quite a lot. Especially once you convert that price into Canadian dollars. It seemed like a big investment when I already have so many eyeshadow palettes.

So, I made the responsible decision to remove the item from my cart and move on with my life. That choice inspired today's blog post. I decided to try and create my own Blue Blood inspired makeup look using only drugstore products.

Drugstore Products Used 

There were many drugstore items that were up for consideration. However, I wanted to use the least amount of products possible to keep this look ultra affordable. Product used to create this version of the Blue Blood look included:

  • Cover Girl TruNaked eyeshadow palette in Dazed ($10 US)
  • Hard Candy Just Glow! highlighting palette in Glowing by Night ($9 US)
  • Wet n Wild ColorIcon blush in Pearlescent Pink ($3 US)
  • Annabelle Metallic Lip Liner in Nude Lustre ($4 US)
  • Hard Candy Velvet Mousse lipstick in Buttercup ($4 US)

Hard to believe, but all of these products combined come to $30 US....which is a far cry from the $52 for the Blue Blood palette alone. If you are looking to save money but still want to have fun with the latest trends, simply keep these products in mind. They are wonderful alternatives. 

Jeffree Star Blue Blood Inspired Makeup Look

My goal with this re-created look was to make it my own but still stay in the spirit of the original. There are some differences of course (namely that I have eyebrows and tend to prefer eyeliner over false lashes) but overall, I am happy with the way it turned out. To start, I used light blue from the Cover Girl eyeshadow palette on the lid and blended the deeper blue through the crease. I took the turquoise highlight from the Hard Candy Just Glow! highlighting palette (which was featured in a recent YouTube video on my channel) and placed that just above the crease. Then I blended a small amount of the green eyeshadow over top. On the inner corner and underneath the brow bone, I used the lightest highlight from the same palette. Then it was a small amount of eyeliner and mascara to finish off the eyes.

To re-create that gorgeous glowing cheek, I applied the Wet n Wild blush and layered the lightest shades (both cream and powder) from the Hard Candy highlight palette. On the lips, I used an Annabelle lip liner and applied it liberally. Then it was the Hard Candy Velvet Mousse inside, very lightly blended into the liner. Overall, I was happy with the way the look turned out. It may not be as shiny and new as the items from the Blue Blood collection...but the results are just as fabulous.

On another (makeup-related) latest YouTube video is live. If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out live swatches and a full review of some Becca cosmetics items.

Have you purchased anything from this collection? Or will you try to re-create it at the drugstore?


  1. Todo es estupendo! Gracias por pasarte por mi blog! 🌻🌻🌻

  2. It's a gorgeous look, I love it! From Jeffree Star I wanna try the new conealers, they seem really nice and love the packaging ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Totally agree! The concealers look incredible and the packaging is so extra....I definitely want it!

  3. This is awesome! I would looove to get my hands on some Jeffree Star products but unfortunately they're a little too pricey for me haha I love that you've found alternative drug store products and still produced an amazing look!

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

    1. Oh gosh, same. It's so hard when you really want something but the price just isn't right! Thankfully, there are still affordable options out there :)

  4. SO stunning!! I'd never think to try blue eyeshadow but now I might have to - it looks amazing!!


    1. It's not something I reach for often but this made for a nice change!

  5. Wow never tried this.
    But seems nice babe

    Much Love,

    1. Aww thank you! Definitely give it a try if you feel inspired to :)

  6. wow, look amazing! I love blue colour :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  7. Your blue eyeshadow looks great!
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate that! Hope you have a great weekend as well.

  8. Oh very great products
    nice makeup

    *Please don´t publish links on my blog

  9. Love this look on you, probably gonna tell my girlfriend to check this out lol ^^

  10. you so stunning dear
    New post:


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