Tuesday, April 16, 2019

review: shaaanxo the remix (bh cosmetics eyeshadow palette)

Not long ago, I found myself scouring the BH Cosmetics website. A friend of mine had recommended their Zodiac Love Signs palette and I was in the midst of a serious mental debate. Deciding to be a responsible adult, I chose not to place the order. Why? Partly because there is so much eyeshadow in my makeup collection....and partly because they didn't have Shaaanxo The Remix palette in stock. I had meant to get it ages ago so it didn't make sense to place an order if they didn't have exactly what I wanted. Less than a week later, I was out and about doing some shopping for Easter (I make Easter baskets for some of my loved ones) when bam! There it was. Shaaanxo The Remix 18 Color Shadow Palette was at my local Winners for a mere eight dollars. To say I was thrilled would be a massive understatement. It was an exhilarating beauty find. So...how does the palette perform? And how does it compare to the original Shaaanxo palette? Here is everything you need to know.

Shaaanxo The Remix Eyeshadow Palette (Earth Toned Shades)

This particular palette is divided into two sections. One one side, there are nine earth toned shades and on the other side, there are nine bolder shades. To start...let's dig into those earth tones. These are actually the same shadows that were included in the original Shaaanxo palette. There is a really wonderful combination of shades here. That includes a few matte colours, some shimmer, and even a holographic kind of shade. When it comes to variety and wearability, this section is fabulous. You can create a really soft and pretty look, do something quite warm and dramatic, or even put together a makeup look that is perfect for a night out on the town.

Something I really like about this palette is the packaging. The box comes in a lovely soft pink shade, the eyeshadow names are printed underneath each eyeshadow, and there is a small mirror on each side of the palette. That means whether you are creating a look that is simple and neutral or have opted for an ultra dramatic finish, there is a mirror on hand! I also really love the overall quality of the eyeshadows. The shimmers in particular are incredible. They have such rich pigmentation and blend like a dream.

The makeup look that I created with this side of the palette made use of Avocado, Terracotta, and Holy Grail. Avocado (which looks green in the pan but actually is a holographic red-ish shade) was applied all over the lid with Terracotta above the crease, and Holy Grail on the inner corner of the eye. Take a look and let me know what you think of this finished creation....

Comparison to Original Shaaanxo Palette

The original Shaaanxo eyeshadow palette was already in my collection. In fact, you can read my original review (and check out my YouTube video about the palette) here. Though the general feel of the palette is the same...there are quite a few differences between the original and the Remix. Most notably the fact that the second side holds nine more eyeshadow shades where the original included cream lipsticks. Additionally, the shadows in the new palette have actual names! I love that detail. That being said, there are several differences between the classic earth toned shades from palette to palette.

You can see from the comparison photo above that the two palettes look pretty spot on. However, I decided to swatch each shade side by side to see if there were any differences in the formula or pigmentation level. In the swatch pictures (shown below) each shade was swatched first from the original palette and then from the Remix palette.

There are definitely some subtle differences between a few of the shades. It seems to me that some in the original palette have more intense colour payoff. There is also a very slight shade difference between the darkest shade and the remix version, Silhouette. While the overall look will remain very much the same (and all of the shades perform well), it was interesting to see the subtle differences from one palette to the next.

Shaaanxo The Remix Eyeshadow Palette (Remix Shades)

Now for the other side of the palette. This one is decidedly more colourful and romantic. There are lots of warm pinks and purples to choose from - which I love. It also includes some brown shades (for depth and blending), a shimmery gold, and a beautiful metallic coral. The Remix side has far more matte shades than the earth tones side. For some, this will be a great thing. For me? Not so much. While I really enjoy the different colours here....the shimmers are out of this world amazing. I definitely would've loved a few more of those! On the plus side, these eyeshadows are ridiculously pigmented. Not just in a swatch but when you apply the shadows on the eyes. (Sometimes things swatch well but perform terribly and vice versa.) The colours are intense, rich, and downright fabulous. Here are the swatches so you can see it for yourself!

Talk about beautiful! Out of all the shades, my favourites are Dream Girl (that metallic coral), Lover (that lovely lilac shade), and Baby Girl (the ultra bright pink). I was so impressed with the way these performed. Especially that vibrant pink eyeshadow! So many times, colourful eyeshadow shades look stunning in the pan but fail to impress once you actually try to use them. Not here. This is so colourful. I am completely and totally obsessed. If you are looking to create a colourful makeup look, this eyeshadow palette is all you need.

The makeup look that I created made use of Dream Girl (all over the lid), Baby Girl (packed on the centre of the lid for added vibrancy), Need U (to define the crease), and Island Glow (on the inner corner and underneath the brows). It wound up looking warm, colourful, but still super wearable. Be sure to let me know what you think of it....

Rating: 5 / 5

Impressed? You bet. The Shaaanxo The Remix palette improved upon the original (in terms of cute packaging colour, eyeshadow names, and nine additional shades) and maintained its impressive quality. These eyeshadows are richly pigmented, easy to work with, and effective. This is a standout set and if you can get your hands on it...I highly recommend picking it up. 

Have you tried the Shaaanxo The Remix palette? What did you think of it?


  1. Loved this colour 😊 thanks for your review 😊

    1. There are so many great ones! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. I've been really curious to try the BH eyeshadows, but for some reason I always talk myself out of it. These palettes are so beautiful, though!
    I loved the blog.

    My Boudoir

    1. I've done that before as well but everything I've tried from the brand has been impressive. Thank you!

  3. This color is so beautiful. I like it. Great post.

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    1. For sure! So many wonderful colours. Thank you very much for your comment!

  4. Wow! The colors of Earth Toned Shades palette are very very strong!

    1. Agree! They are really beautiful and easy to use!

  5. Oh wow! I can't believe you got this for $8!!!! Isn't that great when you find something you're looking for and on sale to boot? :) You look fab as always in both looks. That was great you did a comparison of the original with The Remix. You rock!

    1. YES! It's such an exciting feeling! It doesn't happen often, but when you can snag a great deal on something you actually want...it's fabulous!

  6. Looks great on you! I love the remix palette, my favorite is the fuchsia one.

    1. It is such a bold, fun shade! Thank you very much!

  7. These eyeshadows suit you very well! Also I like their designs ◡‿◡✿

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