Sunday, April 14, 2019

rita ora: love it or leave it?

Fashion is exciting. It always manages to push boundaries and alter our expectations. It is a way to express yourself and showcase your mood, personality, and preferences. That being said, sometimes a look isn't the most flattering or it simply may not resonate with someone else. My love it or leave it? series takes a look at recent celebrity outfits and asks the question, is it a love or a leave? The latest in this series comes from singer, actress, model, and television host, Rita Ora. She is known for taking fashion risks and often rules the red carpet. Here is one of her latest looks....

What I Love: There are a lot of elements that I really enjoy here. Like that sheer blouse (which has a great collar and is always in style) and the oversized grey sweater (I admit: I do love a chunky knit). The shoes are also really pretty and have tons of sparkle and shine. Individually, there are a lot of beautiful pieces.

What I Loathe: Eesh. Well, as you can tell, my list of loves was somewhat short. This is because while many of the pieces are lovely individually, they do not work together. At all. The fact that the oversized grey sweater was tied under the bust creates a really strange effect that is neither exciting nor flattering. Then you add on the skirt with multiple lines stitched on top and the shoes that are entirely too dressed up for this ultra casual look and it's just, a lot. I think the sheer blouse and sweater combo could've looked great with the sweater untied and with a pair of black pants. However, as is, this look is a bit of a mess in my opinion. It looks clunky and unfinished.

Overall, I have to say this is a leave it. The look simply isn't cohesive and it struggles to be casual, glam, or something in between. Though Rita Ora has had many stunning red carpet looks....this wasn't one of them.

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?


  1. I LOVE those sandals and her hair, but yeah, the mix isn't quite right...
    have a great week,

    1. Agree! The mix just isn't quite right. That's the perfect way of putting it!

  2. I love her hair and makeup, but her clothes are a bit too much for me ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Agree! There was a lot going on. Thanks for weighing in!

  3. thans for the comment <3
    i love the hair and makeup, the outfit not so much

  4. Amarlo sin duda.
    Me parece fantástico.
    A mi si me gusta esa moda
    Carla Mila

  5. Hi dear! His outfit doesn't convince me but the sandals are so cute!

    1. Oh gosh, you are very right about that. I love the shoes!

  6. I really like certain pieces but I am not very sure with this outfit as a whole :)


    1. Same! Separately, there are so many great items here.

  7. I'm with you! This look could have been chic but that that sweater makes it so frumpy!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. To be honest, I really like this her look :) ◡‿◡✿

    Blog de la Licorne

  9. Thanks for the beautiful post!
    Have a nice day)

  10. Leave it...


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