Sunday, May 19, 2019

review: paris hilton cosmetics (the future is female set)

A little empowerment goes a long way. Personally, I love anything related to increased confidence and self love. So when I stumbled upon this Paris Hilton Cosmetics set...I was immediately enamored. This cosmetics set has a bit of everything: bronzer, blush, highlight, mascara, and eyeliner. Not to mention an overall theme that is focused on female empowerment. Want to see if it performs well? Here is everything you need to know about the Paris Hilton Cosmetics set, The Future Is Female: Time to Glow Kit

Paris Hilton Cosmetics: The Future Is Female (REVIEW)

Talk about cute. The packaging itself is a sturdy cardboard with a picture of Paris on the front, highlighting tips on the inner packaging, and then of course all of the products. Something I really enjoy is the fact that each of the powders have been pressed with cute shapes. There are geometric patterns, a diamond shape, a crown, and then the words Smart. Strong. and Girl Power. I love the little ways this set focuses on the idea of being strong, in charge, and empowered. Even though the packaging isn't ridiculously luxe...those little details make it feel special.

Now for the products themselves. There is the Bold mascara (which works well but isn't likely to replace my all-time favourite mascara from Cover Girl) and an eyeliner pen (which I absolutely adore because of the sharp tip and ultra black colour). In addition to those eye enhancing items, the set has a bronzer, a blush, two highlights, and two holographic highlighting shades. Out of everything, the bronzer is the standout here. It is richly pigmented, blends well, and looks incredible. I used it on the cheeks, to bronze my face, and even on my eyelids. This is a multi-use item that makes the set shine.

Then there is the blush. This is a really soft and easy to wear shade. It's wonderful for spring and summer looks. That being said, if you have a deeper skin tone, I don't know how well this will show up on the skin. It works well for me but I am quite fair, so definitely keep that in mind before purchasing. As for the two highlighting shades, they are fabulous. One is a warm gold and the other a soft pink. They are nicely pigmented and add lots of shimmer to the skin. Finishing off this set are the two holographic highlights. One is stunning and has beautiful purple undertones. However, the other holographic shade appears to be a nice mint shade but it seriously lacks in that colour payoff. 

Want to see the products in action? The look that I created made use of each and every item included in this set, from the eyeliner to the holographic highlights.

This set is gorgeous and glowy - and a great item to have around during the spring and summer months. Though Paris Hilton Cosmetics can be somewhat hit or miss, this set is a major winner. It performs well and is ultra affordable. 

Have you tried the Future Is Female set? Are you a fan of Paris Hilton Cosmetics?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. I loved this colour 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Yes, there are a lot of beautiful ones in the set! Thank you so much for visiting!

  2. Great make and lovely palette! You look fab!!!
    Kisses, Paola.


  3. Very impressive post. I love it :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, there are a lot of really pretty ones! Thanks!

  5. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  6. I have not heard of this palette... it kinda gives me the vibe of that kind of makeup that would be sold in TJ Maxx :D but I like the swatches :)


    1. You know, what? You probably could find it in TJ Maxx! A lot of times, I find Paris Hilton Cosmetics in similar stores. Great prices and often, great products! It's a win-win.

  7. it seems really great!! and you looks beautiful dear.
    My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

  8. You look beautiful, I love the look you created! The highlighters in this set sound soo good for creating a gorgeous glowy summer look :D I've never heard of this set before, I loved reading your thoughts on it! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

  9. Good review,thanks for that. It looks beautiful.

  10. the set looks lovely. I have to admit I'd buy even for the 'future is female' packaging


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