Monday, June 17, 2019

fake tanning tips for glowing summer skin

The sun is shining! The weather is glorious! Are you thinking what I’m thinking? This is the ideal time to get your glow on. There is nothing like getting gorgeous and bronze once the summer months roll around. Each year, men and women all over the country hit the beach with tanning lotion in hand and just as many visit tanning salon. Guess what? Going tanning has been proven to be one of the most dangerous beauty practices. It can lead to sunspots, skin damage, and even cancer. The best solution? Choose self-tanning products to get that sun kissed glow.

Choose The Right Product For You – And Test It First. Entering the world of self-tanner can be a little daunting. There are so many variables! Thankfully there are plenty of useful tips to make the process simpler and keep your skin looking gorgeous. The best place to start is by choosing the right products for your skin. There are a number of different types on the market. My personal favourites are gradual tanners like the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. Since gradual tanners build the colour over a period of days, you can avoid unsightly streaks.

Other options include self-tanning liquids, creams, and sprays. Some dry clear and others show the colour right away. What you choose will really depend on your skill level and your overall level of comfort. So, choose accordingly! Remember, before you coat your entire body in your chosen self-tanner, test it. Do a test patch on a hidden area. Then wait a full day before you start tanning the rest of your body.

Prepare Your Skin For Tanner. Something to keep in mind? If you want your tanner to apply evenly then it is essential to prepare the skin beforehand. The day before you plan to self-tan, take a nice warm shower. Shave your legs and exfoliate your skin. Why is this important? You never want to apply fake tanner to cuts, bumps, or irritated areas. Not only can this be painful but it can also make your tanner apply unevenly. Shaving the day before will prevent this from happening. As for exfoliating, it goes hand in hand with tanning. Without dry rough patches getting in the way, your tanner will always look even and natural.

Add On A Heavy Moisturizer. Tanning products can be drying to the skin. That is why it is so essential to moisturize beforehand. An hour or so prior to grabbing your tanner, apply a heavy moisturizer to your entire body. Let it fully sink into the skin. This will help the tanning product you have chosen to go on evenly. Another tip? Re-apply moisturizer to your knees, hands, ankles, and elbows immediately before you tan. This will make sure those areas do not soak up more tanner than you want them to. Tanned palms are not a good look! If you want to skip this step entirely, reach for a moisturizer with a gradual tanner instead. 

Go Slow! You want your fake tan to look as natural as possible. That can be difficult if you are trying to rush through the process. Do your best to allow plenty of time in your schedule to tan. That includes all of the prep work as well as the actual application and drying time. Giving yourself that time will ensure that you get into all of the nooks and crannies…and that your tan looks absolutely flawless.

Fake tanning doesn’t have to look harsh, streaky, or well, fake! It just takes practice and preparation. With these tips at your disposal, you will be gorgeous and glowing day after day. So, get your tan on this summer.

And speaking of fake tanners...if you've been wondering about the Jergens Instant Sun tanner, be sure to watch my latest YouTube video. It is a first impressions review of the product.

Do you have any fake tanning tips? Sound off in the comment section below!


  1. Yaz güneşi 😊ama ben en çok akşam esintileri seviyorum...

    1. Evening breezes are definitely lovely as well! Thank you!

  2. Applying it evenly is very important, some tan run when you sweat thats a bad tan
    new post:

    1. Yes, so true! Nothing worse than it melting when you're working out or outside. It is definitely really important to make sure it is completely dried.

  3. Hello, how are you?
    I loved your post I found very interesting. I loved your blog is already following.

    A super kiss

  4. Thanks foe these tips Shannon <3

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you so much for visiting!

  5. Great post.Thank you for sharing! :)
    New post -

  6. Interesting post my dear, thank you for sharing :-)

  7. I did fake tanners when I was a younger...not a lot of times coz I'm already quite dark:D Anyhoo, I don't think I ever did any exfoliation beforehand which was not a good idea.
    And love your Jergens review. Girl, you are brave for doing that on the video! You look so fab as well:) Thanks for the tip about wearing the gloves to apply it.

    1. You live and learn! Pretty sure the first time I attempted fake tanning, I just slathered on the product and crossed my fingers! Haha thank you :)

  8. I'm not a self-tanning lover, but I'd like to try your advice on the perfect application!


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