Saturday, June 8, 2019

reach your step count goal (simple ways to walk more)

There is no doubt about it. Walking is good for your health. It has been found to lower your risk of heart disease, prevent dementia, give you energy, and even help you lose weight. The reality? Many of us do not walk enough. We drive to the grocery store, take the elevator, and sit for long periods of time. This can make that 10, 000 daily step goal seem impossible to achieve. It doesn’t have to be. These simple tips will help add walking into your daily routine.

Invest In Some Tech. The best place to start is by keeping track of your steps. To do this you will need a pedometer, a walking app on your phone, or a fitness tracker. There are many options available these days. A super basic pedometer will only set you back a few dollars. Or you can go a little more high tech with something like the Fit Bit or Jawbone. (These work with your smart phone to give you a detailed look at your daily activities.) This will give you a rough idea of how many steps you are taking per day. Once you know where you are starting from? You can start to incorporate more ways to move.

Download Motivational Apps. There are other ways to use your smart phone. And they might even help you walk more! Do a quick search of your app store. You’ll find everything from motivational apps (quotes, places to list your goals, and so on) as well as fitness trackers. Another idea? Download a challenge app. There are plenty to choose from and they allow you to challenge your friends and family members to walk offs. Whoever walks the most, wins! You never know. That might be the motivation you need to walk more. 

Always Take The Stairs. Excuses are pretty common. Maybe you live on the fourth floor or you are in a rush to get to work. You probably don’t want to climb several flights of stairs. That is totally understandable. However it is important to make the most of available opportunities. Try taking the stairs when you come home or parking your car a little further away. In just a few short minutes, you can get in hundreds of additional steps. Nothing could be easier.

Go For Walks With Someone Special. It can be hard to find time to get outside. So make sure you add it to your schedule. Text a friend or round up a family member to go on a post-dinner walk around the neighbourhood. Not only can this help you reach your step count goal…but it is a great way to relax, de-stress, and spend time with someone you care about. It is a win-win!

More Ways To Reach Your Step Count Goal: Still struggling to reach those 10, 000 steps? Not a problem. Here are a few more ideas to get you started. Walk during your lunch hour (there are many beautiful places to see, especially now that the weather is nicer), walk around your living room during commercial breaks, walk around your home while you talk on the phone, or do chores around the house.

On another note, in case you missed it, my latest YouTube video is up. This is all about my current favourites. Take a look and let me know what items you've been loving lately....

How will you increase your steps this season? Share your tips and tricks below!


  1. nice ideas! I use some of it to run more when I get ready to big start. recently I started audio book which I only listen to out. it works great!

    1. That is such a smart idea! Having an audio book to listen to can definitely distract you (in a good way) and keep you motivated!

  2. I love walking and I try to walk a lot. I go to school by bus but I always go to the further bus stop. So sometimes I walk 4 km just to and from school.

    1. That is wonderful! You are definitely staying super active!

  3. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it!

  4. I always try to walk to places or even if i am with someone
    special i love a long walk!! thank you so much for the recommendations :D
    super helpful! kisses!!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Yes, same! Not only is walking a healthy choice but it can save you money on public transportation, etc. It's a win-win! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  5. Thank you so much for all of these great tips. I really enjoy spending time outside in nature and walking. It is my way of relaxation.

    New Post -

    1. It is absolutely a great way to relax and unwind! Thank you so much for your comment!


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