Thursday, June 6, 2019

two simple everyday makeup looks (feat. urban decay gwen stefani)

Getting glam is one of my favourite things. Few things are better than really taking your time getting ready for a special event (like a concert or a date night). Those are the moments where inspiration guides you. Those are the times when you can get creative and do something totally different. While I thrive in those moments, they don't happen every day. Most of the time, doing my makeup means quickly throwing myself together so I have a few extra minutes to eat breakfast before heading to work. It's not ideal but that is reality! As much as we may love the process of getting ready....sometimes you just need something quick. That is what inspired today's blog post.

Typically, there are a few eyeshadow palettes that I reach for when it comes to quick and easy everyday makeup looks. These are the ones that work well, have great one-shadow shades, or that I feel most comfortable with. Most days, it seems to be the Master Palette by Mario (which I have a serious obsession with) but I like to mix it up by tossing in a random quad or Too Faced palette every couple of days. Just to change things up! However, lately I have been using the Urban Decay Gwen Stefani eyeshadow palette. This is one that I was given for Easter and it's quickly become a staple of my weekday mornings. As you can see from the picture above, this is largely a neutral palette. (Though there are a couple fun pops of colour as well.) I find that neutral palettes are the easiest for those everyday looks. They tend to be less complicated and fool proof. So, even if you are still half asleep...your makeup will still look fabulous.

Here are two different looks I created using the Urban Decay Gwen Stefani eyeshadow palette. The first is super simple and neutral and the other is a little bolder. Both looks took less than five minutes to create, including foundation, brows, and a bit of bronzer applied to the cheeks. Though these are certainly simpler than my typical makeup looks...they work perfectly for those quick everyday makeup moments.

Everyday Makeup Look #1 

The first everyday makeup look is super simple. I used the shade Leylandwater (a light shimmer) on the inner corner, applied Steady (a mid-toned champagne) on the lid, and blended Punk (a warm brown) through the crease with a fluffy brush. Then it was a bit of eyeliner and a coat of mascara to finish off the look. It's quick, easy, and gets you out the door in just a few minutes. 

Everyday Makeup Look #2

The next look is slightly more dramatic. I applied 1987 (a shimmery gold shadow) all over the lid, blended Serious (a deep smokey shadow) on the outer corner, and made the look a little bolder by running Blackout (a black shade) underneath the eyes and along the lash line. A little eyeliner and mascara and I was ready to go! 

Looking good doesn't have to take a lot of time. Sure, everyday makeup looks may not be as elaborate as that girls night out look with sharp winged liner, loose glitter, and a dramatic red lip....but simple and polished is all you need sometimes. Be sure to let me know which look you like best.

What does your everyday makeup look like?


  1. Great looks! I wish I was better at applying makeup. I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to eyeshadow haha!

    Renee @ Maritime Mama

    1. Thank you so much! Eyeshadow can seem tricky at first but it's so fun once you start experimenting!

  2. Replies
    1. It is! This is a wonderful palette for everyday!

  3. I need to try these palettes! I love how the second look is just a little more smoky for night.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Yes, for sure! It's a little more dramatic, which is always lovely!

  4. The first look is great for a day out. I always love your tutorials!

    The Flower Duet

  5. I love Urban Decay and your looks are beautiful *-*

    1. Yes, they have so many great products! Thank you :)

  6. lovely makeup looks! I realy like the way they are similar but so different. nice palettes too!


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