Monday, July 22, 2019

alyssa edwards eyeshadow palette (review + makeup looks)

"Back rolls?!" That was the moment. The moment my obsession with Alyssa Edwards skyrocketed to a whole other level of fandom. In case you aren't a fan of RuPaul's Drag Race (and haven't yet binged watched Dancing Queens on Netflix), Alyssa Edwards is a charismatic performer. She is known for her over the top pageant drag style as well as her skills as a dancer/teacher. More recently, she has become known for her Anastasia Beverly Hills collaboration. This high end brand teamed up with Alyssa (real name Justin Johnson) to release a colourful eyeshadow palette. Complete with bright pink packaging! Want to know if this palette is an essential? If it is worth the price tag? Here is everything you need to know about the limited edition Alyssa Edwards palette.

Alyssa Edwards Palette Review - Packaging

When it comes to the packaging, this is pretty standard for Anastasia Beverly Hills. Their palettes tend to be the same shape and size - and have the same layout inside, with fourteen shadows and a double ended makeup brush. (You can see another example of this here.) Basically, if you've seen one ABH palette, you've seen them all in terms of the packaging! It comes in a sturdy cardboard box with a magnetic closure. Then there are the shadows and the brush inside. What makes this particular palette stand out from some of the other offerings from the brand is that colour. Like Alyssa, this palette is anything but ordinary. It has vibrant pink packaging! Not to mention the inclusion of the winking eye design, elaborate Alyssa Edwards logo, and the printed autograph on the back of the palette. There are lots of cute little extras to enjoy.

Shade Selection and Swatches 

Now to discuss the eyeshadow colours. This is not your ordinary eyeshadow palette in terms of the colours here. There are lots of wonderful neutral shades (Headliner, Inspire, The Supreme, H.O.E.) as well as some essentials for a smokey eye (Back Rolls and Beast). Then you have all of those bright colours in the middle (Unicorn Tribe, Brick Road, Texas Made, Dream It, D.D.G., B.B.D.C., Beyond, and Believe). This makes it a really well rounded set. There are neutrals, pops of colour, and smokey eye shades. It really is a one-stop-shop in terms of shade selection. I absolutely love that you don't necessarily need to pull in another palette to create a finished look. Here are some swatches so you can get a better idea of how each shade performs.

Eyeshadow Quality and Price

As you can see from the swatches pictured above, some of these shadows have real power. The shimmery shades in particular. Those shimmers are without a doubt the standouts in this palette overall. That white shadow is another standout. While I have tried many white eyeshadows in my day...this is easily the most pigmented. It is a fabulous base but can also be used to blend out a shade or create some serious contrast. That gorgeous peach toned shade (The Supreme) is another stellar shadow. As for the rest of the eyeshadow shades, they are a bit of a mixed bag. That black, for instance is pretty meh. It feels dry and doesn't have the rich pigmentation I hoped for. The brighter colours look absolutely beautiful and can create really vibrant makeup looks...but be warned! Some of them stain. Unicorn Tribe and Believe stained my eyelids for a few days (yes days) after application and removal. This isn't uncommon but it is definitely something you want to keep in mind before you decide which shadow to use. 

Curious about the price? The Alyssa Edwards Palette retails for $45 USD, which is fairly standard for an Anastasia Beverly Hills palette - or anything from Sephora. That being said, if you don't have a ton of extra money right now, I wouldn't call this set an essential. As wonderful as it is! The colours are fun and exciting. The palette is versatile and luxe. The shades are ultra vibrant. However, if money is tight and you aren't a super huge Drag Race fan, your collection is probably okay without this particular eyeshadow palette.

To showcase the versatility of this particular eyeshadow palette, I created a couple of different looks. Be sure to let me know in the comment section below which one you like best.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

Overall, I am pretty impressed with the Alyssa Edwards palette. The packaging is fun, the colour selection is thoughtful, and many of the shadows perform extremely well. However, my overall rating score was a bit lower due to the so-so pigmentation in that black shadow and the fact that some of the eyeshadows cause intense staining on the eyelids. If you are a fan of Alyssa Edwards or love to watch Drag Race....this will likely be something you want in your collection. 

Have you tried this palette? Are you a fan of Alyssa Edwards? 


  1. Good review 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Wow I love how saturated these colors are! So fun for a statement night out.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Yes! There are some really great shades in there :)

  3. Pretty colors, these can look great for cosplays too!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Oh you are so right about that! They would be wonderful for cosplay looks.

  4. Replies
    1. They really are! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  5. Love the colours

  6. I'm glad that you liked the product, Shannon. And rightly so because you look gorgeous in those palettes.

  7. I love that gold shimmer shade... super beautiful!

  8. Very beautiful this palette and your make-up are fantastic!

  9. This does look like such a beautiful palette esp. with these awesome shades! That's too bad about the pigmentation quality on some but you look freaking awesome in these two looks, Shannon. Hard to pick a fave:)
    Hope you are having an awesome day!

    1. It is a fun palette, for sure! I wish it were a little more consistent but all in all, it is pretty solid. Thank you so much :)

  10. This palette has powerful and colorful colors
    Thanks for share

    *Please don´t publish links on my blog

    1. It really does! Some of the shades are so pigmented and pretty.


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