Saturday, July 20, 2019

charmed aroma strawberry champagne candle review + earrings set

The fact that a Charmed Aroma store opened in my local mall this past spring has made my life difficult. Mostly, because I want to buy candles. All of them. Currently, I am on an all out candle ban (which is entirely self imposed) until I use up a good chunk of my candle collection. That being said, there is one Charmed Aroma candle that I purchased a while back and finally am able to write about. I held off on lighting it for a little while because I wanted to use up some other candles first. Though I confess, it was hard to be patient, knowing there was a mix and match earring set awaiting me. Now that the candle is well underway and the earrings have been uncovered, I wanted to do a little candle review. Here is everything you need to know about Strawberry Champagne.

When it comes to the appearance of the candle, this is pretty standard. (Unlike my first Charmed Aroma candle, which came in a velvet case and pom pom on the lid.) It looks very similar to the popular Leyland & Bodyworks candles, except that this has two wicks instead of three. The candle is in a large glass jar and has a golden lid. Then there is of course, the cute Strawberry Champagne design around the jar itself. While the packaging is standard, simple, and effective...I have to say that I prefer the three wick candles to two wick candles. Three wicks makes the candle burn more evenly. I find that with the two wick candles, there are sections along the sides of the candle that do not heat up or take a very long time to melt.

That being said, I am a big fan of this candle. The scent is bright and refreshing. I certainly smell the strawberry more than the champagne but the latter balances out the intense sweetness. Personally, I am a big fan of strawberry there is no such thing as too much strawberry. However, if you are someone who likes a subtler scent, I would recommend burning this candle for a shorter period of time. Speaking of burn time! It took about eight hours of total burn time to reach the mix and match earring set inside. After removing the small package with tweezers, there is was. This was my first time buying a candle that had earrings instead of a ring, so I was a little unsure of what to expect. Thankfully, the earrings are stunning.

As you can see from the picture above, these are mix and matched earrings. (Which is a totally hot accessories trend right now.) The earrings that were in my candle were X's and O's. I love that even though they are mix and match...they still compliment each other. I have to say, I love these and have worn them a lot lately. I love that they are cute, romantic, and whimsical. Totally my style! They are also super sparkly and stand out in the best possible way.

Overall, I was really pleased with this Charmed Aroma candle. It smells wonderful and the earrings set is just beautiful. Though I would love to add more of these candles to my collection, I am going to stick to my promise to use up more of what I have! Until then, I will continue to enjoy the glitzy accessories from previous candles.

On another latest YouTube video is up. This one is actually a Walt Disney World VLOG. It was certainly long overdue, but it took me ages to edit together all of the footage. That being said, it's nice to look back at all of those happy travel memories!

Have you ever bought a Charmed Aroma candle? What was your experience like?


  1. What a nice candle😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 have a nice summer ...

  2. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram

  3. The candle looks so fabulous!! I love strawberry everything so I'd love this!! The earrings are beautiful, too!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Yes, me too! Strawberry scented anything makes me happy.

  4. Love the candle, scented candles are really beautiful, simple luxuries, and they are very pretty too. Love the vlog video!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Yes, scented candles are definitely simple luxuries. What a lovely way to put it!

  5. Scented candles are so nice, I just bought one for our home as well :) Thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving me a kind comment!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

    1. Oh that is so great! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for the comment :)

  6. Wow this looks amazing!! Love the candle ))

  7. All od it looks so lovely. Thank you for visiting my blog <3

  8. Great products.


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