Friday, July 12, 2019

hard candy body luminizers (review + video)

Who doesn't love a little sparkle and shine? If you've been reading Mansa Fashion. for a while...chances are you know all about my love affair with glitter. (I even dedicated an entire week of posts to glitter, glitter, and more glitter.) Knowing this, it stands to reason that the Hard Candy Body Luminizer line caught my eye at the drugstore recently. There were two options: the Just Glow! All Over Body Luminizer and the traditional Just Glow! Body Luminizer. Unsure of which I wanted most, impulsively I opted to pick up both. Find out how each one of these summer beauty items perform and see them in action.

Just Glow! All-Over Body Luminizer. The first item is that champagne coloured bottle pictured above. It boasts a fresh coconut scent and a transfer resistant formula. On the back of the bottle, it says it "drenches skin with emollients. The luxurious formula glides on effortlessly without streaking, creating a dewy sunlit glow that lasts for hours." Does it live up the claims? Absolutely. This product comes in a gorgeous glass bottle with a golden topper and a black pump. It is easy to apply and glides on the skin smoothly. The scent is absolutely incredible as well. That coconut scent immediately makes me think of summer, which is perfect for this seasonal product. Then there is the finish. It is shimmery and glittery and oh-so-fabulous. This particular version of the Body Luminizer works well with all skin colours because it doesn't add any colour whatsoever. It is strictly sparkle and shine. Out of the two, this is the one I find myself reaching for most. It is absolutely fabulous. 

Just Glow! Body Luminizer. Next up is the traditional version of the Just Glow! Body Luminizer. Unlike the other version, this one is a warm bronze. It offers a head-to-toe skin glow and the back of the bottle claims to make skin feel "soft, supple and smooth; drenched in a sunny, radiant luminous finish." This version comes in the same glass bottle with the gold topper and black pump. However,  it doesn't have that wonderful coconut scent. It has a much lighter fragrance that isn't noticeable unless you really try to smell it. (This may be a good or bad thing, depending on your own personal preferences.) It has a lot of sparkle and shine, just like the other version, but also adds a bronze colour to the skin. This is a wonderful option if you are looking for an instant glow this summer. However, if you don't want to worry about streaking or unevenness, this may not be your best bet. Though I really enjoy this version of the Body Luminizer, it is certainly better suited to days out in the sunshine and unforgettable summer moments. 

While both Hard Candy products are stellar, if I could only choose one, it would be that champagne coloured version. The All-Over formula is quick and easy to apply, offers lots of shimmer, and smells wonderful. Despite the summery coconut scent, this is something that can easily be worn throughout the year. Want to see these products in action? I recently uploaded a review and demonstration of both bottles to my YouTube channel. 

Have you tried either of these products? Which one do you like best?


  1. Great post dear. I must try this candy body luminizer because I like sparkle <3

    New post, If you want you can visited my blog:

    1. Oh yes. If you are a fan of sparkle...these products are essential!

  2. Definitely need to try these out!!
    Visit me back :)

  3. Body luminizers are some of my favourite products. I love the glow :)

    1. Me too! Anything sparkly or glowy is fantastic.

  4. Wonderful products, great review:)

  5. Beautiful post, dear! Thank you for sharing. I love your blog so much! I followed you. Have a nice day! xoxo

  6. I've never tried these...thanks for the great review as always:) I think I also would prefer the All Over one because you don't have to worry about streaking with it, and also, how can you go wrong with coconut scent:D
    Hope you're having an awesome weekend!

    1. Thank you! And yes, I love that one the most because it's just so easy but still gives lots of sparkle.

  7. Estupendos productos ! Gracias por la visita! Espero verte pronto de nuevo por mi blog! Es un placer leerte! 🤗🤗🤗

  8. Great products review.
    I'm following your blog, could you follow my blog too?


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