Thursday, August 29, 2019

how to wear smokey eye makeup on your wedding day

Nice and neutral or sultry and smokey? This is a question every bride to be will ask themselves at one point or another. The way you look on your wedding day is important. Not only will all eyes be on you – but you want to feel confident in everything from your hair to your dress to the makeup. Making a decision about your wedding makeup isn’t always easy. It takes a lot of thought, care, and consideration. For instance, you might wonder if a smokey eye is the best bet. You might hear from others: Not too much! Pretty and soft! Natural is better! However, if you've decided to go for something sultry and smokey rather than ultra soft and natural....this post is for you. Keep reading to find out how to wear smokey makeup on your big day. 

Use Products To Make It Last. One of the benefits to neutral eye makeup is the ease of wear. You won’t necessarily notice if that taupe shadow starts to crease. Or that shimmery champagne colour fades a little bit. With a smokey eye? Anything out of place will look glaringly obvious. Be sure to use products that will help your makeup last. That includes a face and eyeshadow primer as well as a setting spray. They will give your look longevity and vibrancy.

Blend As Much As Possible. Wearing a smokey eye look on your wedding day can be absolutely stunning. But you want to be careful to avoid overdoing it. The last thing you want is for your makeup to look night at the club rather than bridal. The solution is simple. Blend, blend, and blend some more. Soft edges will make your smokey eye wearable, pretty, and feminine.

Stick To a Neutral Colour Palette. Your smokey eye can be ultra dramatic without relying on unnatural colours that look bright or too over the top. For a smokey eye look that will take you from day to night, stick to neutral shades. Think brown, purple, grey, green, or bronze. Those colours photography beautifully and will help you look your absolute best.

Other Smokey Eye Tips:
  • Keep your makeup looking soft and a little more subdued by using a dark brown liner instead of a black. Or use a kohl pencil rather than a liquid or gel liner.
  • Apply a small amount of a lighter eyeshadow shade to your inner corner. This will brighten up the eye area and make sure the whole look isn't too dark and dramatic.
  • Test out multiple smokey eye looks before the big day rolls around…whether you are planning to do your own makeup or are getting it professionally done. This will give you the chance to play around with the intensity you like best.

Want to go smokey on your wedding day? These tips are all you need to get started. Your bridal makeup is sure to look stunning from ceremony to reception.

What type of wedding makeup do you prefer? Are you a fan of smokey eye looks?


  1. İnformative essay 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. You are so welcome! Hope you are having a great week :)

  2. Very informative

    check this post

  3. Awesome tips!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Oh what a nice post! I love everything :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  5. Yes, smokey eye is nice and sexy, if I am 'gonna renew my vows, I will go for a smokey eye!

    The Flower Duet

  6. I used to do a lot of bridal makeup (not so much now...just for close friends and family) and when I did, I must admit that most of my clients preferred the natural look, but I do think smokey eyes look so fab for weddings esp. during the fall/winter weddings:) These are great tips!

    1. That is so awesome! I know a lot of people are really into the natural look for weddings. Me personally? Not so much. But then again, I do like a good smokey eye. The makeup artist that did my makeup on my wedding day pretty much refused to do what I when I went home, I made it a little smokier!

  7. It looks so stylish!

  8. These tips are great,thanks for sharing with us!I don't usually like natural colors and makeup but for that day why not :) Have a nice day xx

    Last post:


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