Sunday, August 11, 2019

review: bobbi brown primer plus radiance SPF 35

Never underestimate the power of a good primer. It has the ability to keep your makeup in place and ease your mind in the process. There is nothing worse than going out in the warm summer weather and worrying endlessly about your makeup. Is it still in place? Does it look okay? Having a primer you can rely on is an absolute must during extreme weather conditions. Which is exactly why the Bobbi Brown Primer Plus Radiance SPF 35 seemed like the perfect addition to my beauty routine. Find out how this high end product performed and if it was worth the hefty price tag.

As I mentioned, a good primer is essential during the summer months. When you have one that works, you can breathe easy. Even when you are stuck in sweltering temperatures. There are a handful of primers that I enjoy, including the Art Deco Eyeshadow Base, the Elf eyeshadow primer, Hard Candy primer, and the Smashbox Primerizer. That being said, it's always nice to add an SPF to the mix. Though I always joke that there are too many layers of makeup for the sun to ever touch my face...the reality is that being sun safe is essential. So, I decided to give the Bobbi Brown primer a try. It claims to boost radiance, even skin tone, lock in moisture, and has an SPF of 35. With a price tag of $52 CDN, this is certainly not an affordable product. When there are so many other primers on the market (for a whole lot less), it's hard to say if it was worth the cost.

That being said, this does work fairly well. I haven't had a sunburn on my face thus far this summer, so I know the SPF aspect works. It also does a great job of keeping my makeup in place, even in warm temperatures. Additionally, this also does a good job of adding a radiant glow to the skin. (Though that largely goes unseen once you apply your foundation over top.) As for the claims about evening the skin tone...I can't say this does a whole lot. It doesn't work as effectively as other primers, like the PoreFessional or Pearl Primer from Benefit. The skin looks decent and the finish is fine. However, I don't want to spend $52 on fine. While this certainly keeps makeup in place and will provide SPF protection, I wouldn't say it is my favourite primer. There are many others, both high end and drugstore that rank higher.

I will continue to use this Bobbi Brown primer throughout the summer. The likelihood that I will repurchase it? Very low. It's not that this doesn't work. It's that I don't think it works well enough to warrant the cost. There are so many other alternatives that will give you more bang for your buck.

Rating: 3 / 5

Have you tried this Bobbi Brown primer? Share your favourite primers in the comment section below.


  1. Good review 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. @luda.tischenko - instagram

  3. Thanks for the great review as always, Shannon:) I love BB products but yeah...the price is such a deterrent that I don't really buy them. Good to know this primer does work though:)
    Hope you're having a lovely Sunday so far.

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely had a nice Sunday. (In fact, I am already missing the weekend!) I hope you are having a fabulous week so far :)

  4. I love Bobby Brown products <3 Nice Post! Have a great day!

  5. Hi dear! I've never tried this primer. Thanks for the info!

  6. I would like to try this primer because sounds great

    *Please don´t publish links on my blog

    1. Definitely let me know what you think of it if you end up trying!

  7. This looks like such a wonderful product! Great post :)

  8. Oh it is too bad you did not care for it and yes $52 is steep. I use Becc's backlight primer and I love it. I am on my third bottle. It costs $34 I believe and a bottle lasts about 4 months or so.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. That sounds like a really fabulous primer. You have certainly peaked my interest on it!

  9. i never tried primer , but now i think i should use it . Thank you for your review.
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