Tuesday, August 27, 2019

testing high end beauty samples (chloe, philosophy, and hourglass)

There are a lot of samples floating around my beauty collection at the moment. Partly because I am terrible at using this up and partly because of all the Sephora events I've attended in the last while. It's always exciting to get a new sample - especially a high end one - but making sure they actually get used up is another task altogether. So, with a fresh dose of determination, I have set a personal goal to use up all (yes, all) of the beauty samples currently in my possession. To kick things off, I am focusing my attention on a roller ball perfume from Chloe, a Philosophy moisturizer, and a mini mascara from Hourglass.

  • Chloe Eau de Parfum Rollerball. I'll be honest: I am an absolute perfume junkie and I absolutely love testing out different perfume samples. The right scent can compliment and outfit and perk up your whole day! Needless to say, I was excited to test out this high end fragrance. The rollerball is small (making it perfect for travel or to keep in a handbag) but contains a good amount of product. Especially since this scent is fairly strong, so a little goes a long way. It is bold, sophisticated, but still has a flirty floral feel to it. This is a perfume I am happy to keep with me on the go. 
  • Philosophy Renewed Hope in a Jar Moisturizer. This is a product I have heard a lot about over the years. Many beauty lovers absolutely swear by this Philosophy moisturizer and it constantly ranks high on best skin care lists. Despite that, I had never tried it until now. The sample was fairly small and I only got three uses out of it, but my first impressions are this: it's....okay. I'm not keen on the scent (it is light but not overly pleasant) It has a greasy sort of consistency and leaves a film on your hands after use. That being said, it does absorb into the skin quickly, which is wonderful if you are using it prior to makeup application. While I didn't dislike this product, it didn't wow me, and I certainly wouldn't purchase a full sized version.
  • Hourglass Caution Extreme Lash Mascara. I am pretty loyal when it comes to my mascara. Though I am always willing to try out other types....if given the choice, it is The Super Sizer from Cover Girl. Every single time. Since Hourglass is such a prestigious brand, I was certainly interested to test out this mascara. The end result was fairly impressive. Just one coat of the mascara gives intense length. In fact, I've never tried a mascara that so effortlessly lengthened the lashes. Two coats and it was even more length! I only wish this mascara gave some volume as well. Sadly, it doesn't thicken or plump the lashes at all. It is only length. So, this works incredible well if you are in need of a lengthening mascara. However, if you are looking for a little volume as well, this one won't quite give you what you need. 

Beauty products are always a little hit or miss. That's why samples are so wonderful to have on hand. They allow you to try out different items and see what works (or doesn't work) for you. While not all of these products were winners...it was sure fun testing them out.

On another note, there is a brand new video up on my YouTube channel. It is a review of a Moana palette that just didn't work out. Take a look: 

Have you tried any of these high end samples? 


  1. I loved this brand's product 😊 Thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. Oh you are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by :)

  2. Great products :)

  3. I'd love to try the perfume...I'm always on the lookout for new scents!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Wow, I would love to try the Hourglass mascara one day, because I am a Maybelline user.

    The Flower Duet

    1. Ooh, I've tried some Maybelline ones and they are really good! I swear, the drugstore has some great options for mascara.

  5. Hi, I am so curious about this Chloe perfumes

  6. Adoro produtos de maquilhagem e cosmética. É realmente um mundo que me envolve. Ótimo post.

    Último post:https://a-christinafernandes.blogspot.com/2019/08/reacao-primeira-compra-da-marca.html

  7. Great products :) Have a nice day :)

  8. Great review dear. they sound like great items

  9. Very great products.


  10. I just love your detailed review. I have the same perfume

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt
    Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt

    1. Thank you very much! I really appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the perfume!


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