Monday, September 30, 2019

katy kat matte lipsticks (2 shades + 2 mini reviews)

Makeup and music always seem to go hand in hand. Especially these days, with so many celebrities keen to endorse beauty related products. Katy Perry is just one example. She teamed up with Cover Girl a few years ago....and since then, a handful of Katy Kat products have made their way into my makeup collection. There have been the Pearl Lipsticks, the mascara, and the Katy Kat Glosses. Not to mention the line of Katy Kat Matte lipstick shades. Though there are quite a few that I've been using....a couple of new shades entered my life recently, thanks to a beauty bag from Shoppers Drug Mart. (You can check out that post here.) The lipstick colours are Magenta Minx and Cat Call. Want to see how they look? Find out how they perform? Keep reading....

Katy Kat Matte Lipsticks

Both colours are absolutely stunning. Not to mention, perfect for the fall season. They are colourful, bold, but still have a nice amount of warmth to them. While Magenta Minx (the first shade, pictured above) is lighter than the deeper shade, Cat Call, it is suitable for both daytime and evening wear. Personally, I love to wear it with a nice neutral eye to really make that colour stand out. As for Cat Call, this is a fabulous evening shade. It is rich, luxurious, and immediately gives you a wonderful pop of colour. What I really enjoy? Though both shades are matte, this formula isn't drying or uncomfortable on the lips. So many matte lipsticks feel awful and wind up looking flaky as the day progresses. With the Katy Kat Matte formula, that isn't a problem. They look good, feel good, and last for a decent amount of time. You may need to re-apply after eating a meal but if you aren't able to....don't worry. The colour fades naturally.

Katy Kat Matte: Magenta Minx

The first shade is Magenta Minx. This is probably my favourite of the two because it is just so easy to wear. It looks good with just about any makeup look, adds a lovely splash of colour, but isn't too intense. The finish is great because it dries down matte but applies really smoothly. (Unlike some matte lipsticks which feel like they are dragging along the lips during application.) Overall, I am a really big fan of this shade from Katy Perry. It looks wonderful and is ultra versatile. 

Katy Kat Matte: Cat Call

Now for the bolder of the two lipstick shades. Cat Call is deeper, a little more vibrant, and definitely better suited to a statement lip colour. This is ideal for a night out, a dinner date, or any occasion where you want to make a splash. Just like the other shade, this one dries down matte and is comfortable to apply and wear. So if you are looking for something special to wear on a night out (and don't want to overspend) this would be a fabulous option to consider.

Katy Kat Matte certainly stands out at the drugstore. The colours are beautiful, the formula is comfortable, and it lasts well. Overall, I am very impressed with these shades - and cannot wait to keep wearing them in the future.

Have you tried the Katy Kat Matte lipsticks? Are you a fan of Katy Perry?


  1. nice colour :) Thanks for your sharing :)

  2. The second colour is very beautiful!!

  3. Beautiful colors and review.

  4. They are both lovely shades on you and it's great that they are not drying!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. For sure! I really enjoy the colours and the formula. Thank you so much. I hope you are having a great week, too!

  5. Replies
    1. They are really lovely! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Matte lipstick has the ability to look very classy and neat. It does not have a shiny finish and is easy to apply as part of the makeup routine.


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