Tuesday, September 24, 2019

living proof (perfect hair day night cap overnight perfector)

My eyes are always peeled for hair care products that are effective and easy to use. Sometimes, that can be a bit of a struggle. Especially because I am quite low maintenance when it comes to my hair. I don't want anything that is time consuming, has a lot of steps, or requires me to spend additional minutes in the shower. (Like I said...I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to hair.) There are a couple of items that have served me well on this front. For instance, the Shea Moisture Leave in Treatment that I reviewed on my YouTube channel. It was super quick and easy to use - and left my hair looking and feeling better. When I came across the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector, I hoped for a similar outcome.

Since I like my hair care products to be no fuss no muss, anything with the words "leave in" or "overnight" tend to peak my interest. Which is what happened with the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector. According to the product description, it claims to be: an easy-to-use solution that provides up to one week of shiny, vibrant manageable hair overnight, with benefits that last through five shampoos. To use, you simply apply the product to damp or dry hair before bed from roots to ends. Comb through. Leave in or wash out in the morning. Sounds easy enough, right? I tried this on a few different occasions and followed the directions to the letter. Unfortunately, the results left something to be desired.

Though this product has high reviews on beauty websites...this didn't work at all for my hair. I applied it when my hair was damp and left it overnight. When I woke, my hair felt like there was a horrible film on it. It looked greasy and downright terrible. I didn't have time to wash it out first thing in the morning, so I was just left with this awful looking hair. I waited a while and tried the product again. This time, I washed it out come morning. Same result. It left an unpleasant film or texture to the hair that made it look greasy. The next time, I used less product. Same result. I tried this over and over again, wondering if I was just "doing it wrong." But alas, I think this just doesn't work with my hair type. I don't know why but it certainly doesn't provide shine or vibrantly manageable hair overnight. At least not for me.

Needless to say, I have given up on this product. It didn't make my hair look better, ended up being stress inducing and time consuming to deal with, and made it harder to style my hair. While the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day Night Cap Overnight Perfector may have high reviews from some users....be mindful that it doesn't work for everyone. Before you invest in a large sized bottle, look for a sample and see how your hair reacts.

Rating: 0 / 5

Have you tried this product? What was your experience like?


  1. Thanks for your honest and detailed review. Am always on thelook for reviews on new products.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Not sure though it would work on my type of hair

  3. Oh no! Sorry to hear this, Shannon:( Thanks for sharing your honest review and warning us. I've tried the brand before but not this one. I think it was one of the straight balms and I did like it, but the price was too much for my liking. I'm gonna skip this one for sure.

    1. Yeah, I can understand that. The prices are definitely super high so you definitely want the product to work well.

  4. I didn't know this product. Thanks for the tip.


  5. I'm always sad to see disappointment in a product that raised expectations quite high with marketing, especially when it's high priced and someone rushes to buy it and ends up not liking it. Thanks for the heads up about this. :D


    1. I totally agree! It's so disappointing when high end brands have lacklustre products. Especially when you consider the price of those high end items!

  6. OMG, seems a good product indeed <3


  7. My hair gets too greasy with these conditioning products most of the time--must just be our texture!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. amazing post dear :)
    kisses Tijana


  9. So bad that this doesn´t work on your hair

    1. Yes, definitely a let down! Thank you for visiting.

  10. Goodness!!
    Thanks for sharing about it!

  11. I have not used this product but I have recently use one styling product from Living Proof and it was decent. But, a pity about this, thanks so much for sharing. <3

    1. I am so glad the styling product worked well for you! I've heard a lot of good things about the brand. I think that's why I was so shocked this product didn't work at all for me.

  12. I've never used it. I don't like anything to leave on a hair overnight ;-)

  13. sounds like a great product! I haven't tried it or anything alike before which is actually making me even more curious!

  14. Thanks for your honest review dear :)


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