Sunday, September 8, 2019

revisiting an old makeup palette (too faced the power of makeup)

Some days, I feel like doing a little digging. Through my makeup collection, that is! These days, it is so easy to get wrapped up in the new releases and forget about the items that you already own. This is something I am actively trying not to do. As much as I love new makeup...there are a lot of items in my collection that I love just as much. Take the Too Faced The Power of Makeup palette. This has made a shopping my stash post in the past...and it looks like it is about to make another appearance. Though there are an awful lot of eyeshadow sets in my possession, this is one that I come back to time and time again. It might have to do with the bold outer packaging (it is eye-catching in the best possible way) or the fact that there is a purple shadow in there that makes me very happy. Whatever the reason, it seemed like a good idea to revisit this palette.

Revisiting: Too Faced The Power of Makeup

As you can see, this palette has a lot going on. There is lots of glitter and shimmer to have fun with. In addition, there are pops of colour It is pretty well rounded. That is one thing I really enjoy about Too Faced palettes: they always have additional face products inside. It is so convenient and really helps pull a look together with ease. Typically, when I reach for this set, I use those browns, the gold, or the purple shade. This time I made the choice to use the shade, Mystic Hour. It is a deep blue (bordering on turquoise) and certainly stands out in the palette. Though it packed a punch pigmentation wise, I found it challenging to use. It had a habit of blending out too much, if that makes sense. I would have the colour placed where I wanted it. Then I would go to lightly blend out the edge and....poof! The colour vanished. It was very strange. I managed to make it work but that shade required a lot more patience than the others in the set. 

Before I talk about the look that I created, it only makes sense to show you it. is the latest makeup look I created using The Power of Makeup set. 

To create the look, I started by applying Ivy (a pure white shade) all over the lids as a base. Then I used Mystic Hour on the inner portion and outer portion of the eye. In the centre, it was the purple shade, Wham Bam, with a bit of Sugar Coated over top. Then I added more Sugar Coated (a soft pink glitter) underneath the brow bone and in the inner corner. Underneath the eyes, it was Mystic Hour and Sugar Coated. To finish it off, I used a Hard Candy eyeliner and a Cover Girl mascara. Then it was the blush I Will Always Love You with Justify My Love on the apples of the cheeks. Then the final step on the cheeks was some of the highlight, Champagne Truffle. On the lips was Bunny from the Kylie Cosmetics collection. 

All in all, I was pretty happy with the way the look turned out. And it was a lot of fun to create a makeup look just for the heck of it. There are a lot of aspects of this palette that I love (and a few that I don't) so it was exciting to put it to use once again. 

Do you like to revisit older makeup palettes? Have you ever tried this one?



  1. You look so gorgeous!! The photos are beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Aww thank you! You are so kind. Hope you are doing well :)

  2. Love this look on you, Shannon! You look gorgeous, and have totally inspired me to go through my old palettes and use them again:)
    Hope you're having a lovely Monday:)

    1. Thank you very much! Oh, that makes me happy to hear. It's always exciting to go back to old palettes and fall in love again.

  3. Replies
    1. There are a lot of great ones! Thank you for visiting!

  4. I would love to try that blue & purple shade and also the highlighter!Nice look xx

    Last post:

    1. Yes, the highlight is so pretty! Too Faced has so many fabulous products. Hope you're doing well :)

  5. Beautiful makeup!Ugh wish I had got that palette when it first came out.

    1. Its always so hard to know which limited edition palettes are worth buying!

  6. Nice colors and perfect make up :)


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