Wednesday, October 30, 2019

double, double, toil and trouble.

It is just one day away. Yes, tomorrow is Halloween. Though my favourite holiday will always be Christmas....all holidays excite me at least a little bit. There is something so thrilling about it. People are usually in a good mood, make time to have fun, and tap into their inner child. For at least a little while. This year, Halloween falls on a Thursday night so my plans are somewhat limited. That doesn't mean I won't be celebrating, though. After work, I have cleared my schedule for a mini movie marathon. There are plenty of fantastic Halloween themed movies that I have been enjoying this month. However, there are a few that I will be watching (or re-watching) on the day itself.  What are they? And what are a few of my other seasonal favourites? Here is a little list to inspire your movie choices this Halloween.

My Halloween Movie Recommendations 

When it comes to Halloween movies (or scary movies) there are plenty to choose from. It just depends what kind of movie night you have in mind. Do you want something fun and family friendly? Or are you looking to shake up some scares? Keep your preferences in mind before you start reaching for that DVD. 

Of Tourism Friendly Options. Normally, I like to start my Halloween movie festivities with something a little lighter in nature. Movies that are good starters - and suitable for viewers of all ages - include Casper's Halloween Special, Double Double Toil and Trouble (starring the incredible Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen), Hocus Pocus, and any of the Halloweentown movies.

Classic Horror Films. When it comes to horror movies, my preference is the iconic classics. Like the original Halloween movies, Friday the 13th, Carrie, Sleepaway Camp or even 90s films like the Scream movies or I Know What You Did Last Summer. These are always scary but don't delve too far into the ultra-realistic gore that many of the horror movies today tend to.

Newer Horror and Suspense Movies. Though I always start with lighter movies - and tend to follow up with those classic horror films - sometimes it is nice to add in a newer offering as well. I like suspenseful movies like The Call, Happy Death Day, the latest Halloween movie, or The Babysitter. Take a peek at Netflix's horror section for more inspiration!

Whatever you decide to watch this Halloween, the key is to have fun, enjoy a few scares, and of course, eat lots and lots of candy. I hope these movie recommendations help make your holiday extra special. Sound off in the comment section and let me know what you plan to watch this Halloween.

How will you celebrate? What will your costume be this year?


  1. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it! 

  2. Oooh I loved the Olsen movies too. Yeah, I'd better go see some with my girl!


    1. Yes, they are a really fun way to celebrate the holiday!

  3. i haven't seen anyone of this, but seems interesting!
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  4. Interesting post, thanks for sharing. Happy Halloween!

  5. Beautiful post, dear! I love your blog so much.
    have a nice day

    1. Thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate it.

  6. Great post dear! Thanks for Sharing

  7. Great post.

  8. Halloween is amazing but in my country people do not celebrate it like eg. in usa..would love to feel that atmosphere!

    1. Oh really? That is too bad! There is certainly an exciting atmosphere on this day. Everyone excited, in costumes, and ready to either trick or treat or spend time with friends!

  9. Aw this is such a good post, I absolutely love Halloween, I wish I got to enjoy it for longer haha :D hope you had a great night! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

  10. I watched all of the most popular Halloween movies this year and on Halloween night, I watched Hocus Pocus!

    1. Oh that's awesome! Hocus Pocus is the perfect Halloween movie.


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