Tuesday, October 8, 2019

review: dominique cosmetics (rustic glam eyeshadow palette)

It was love at first shadow. While wandering the aisles of Sephora with a friend one afternoon....it caught my eye. The eyeshadow shade, Desert Queen, that is. It is a soft, peachy, almost orange colour. Warm, bold, and yet still effortlessly wearable. The colour was everything I didn't know I was looking for. That shade is the reason the Rustic Glam palette from Dominique Cosmetics entered my life. Though the rest of the colours in the palette looked beautiful and were also compelling....Desert Queen made me positively giddy. Ready to take a peek inside? See what Desert Queen actually looks like? Here is everything you need to know about this high end eyeshadow palette.

Dominique Cosmetics Rustic Glam Palette (Packaging)

Packaging isn't necessarily the most important aspect of a makeup palette. (The actual product is, of course.) That being said, there is something nice about sturdier materials and those extra details that come from higher end items. The palette itself had a beautiful outer packaging that was a shiny blue with the Dominique Cosmetics logo printed on the front. The inside was the palette itself. Talk about beautiful! The palette name and logo are printed in raised rose gold lettering and there is an intricate pattern and ombre effect happening in the background. It looks gorgeous and it feels ultra secure. 

Holding the Rustic Glam eyeshadow palette in your hands, you can tell that it is sturdy and has a little extra weight to it. This is important because that means if the palette gets knocked or dropped...the product breaking inside is unlikely. I also really love the fact that this has a very strong metallic closure. You have to really put effort into opening and closing the palette. That adds an extra level of support and structure to the item. In terms of the packaging, I love how this looks and how it feels. 

Shade Selection and Pigmentation 

Take a look at that beautiful palette. No wonder this was so intriguing! In case you were wondering, Desert Queen is on the bottom row, third from the left. In addition to that beloved eyeshadow, there is also Fringe (a pale brown), Evil Eye (a bright cobalt blue), Free Spirit (a soft white), Cactus (a cool green), Dream Catcher (a shimmery light blue), Wildflower (a medium pink), Suede (a medium brown), Bohemian (a shimmery gold), then Desert Queen (a peachy orange), Wanderlust (a green tinted shimmer), Moon Child (a deep blue with glitter), Gypsy (a metallic purple). In terms of the shade selection, there is an awful lot of variety. There are several different finishes, including matte, shimmer, and glitter. Additionally, there is a wonderful mixture of wearable neutrals and exciting pops of colour. Some of the shades are really quite unique. Especially seeing them put together in this way? Rustic Glam is an exciting release, to say the least. 

As for the pigmentation, this varies a bit. The matte shades are largely quite bold (especially Evil Eye and Desert Queen) but Cactus comes off a bit drier in texture and a little harder to build. Then the shimmers are mostly stellar (Dream Catcher is incredible and Bohemian is a total winner) but Wanderlust lacks a certain something. Moon Child and Gypsy are both exciting but requite a little more building up of colour to really achieve the full pay off. Many of the shadows in this collection are bold, pigmented, and look dazzling. Those are the shades that I find myself reaching for again and again and again. Other eyeshadow, however, require a little more patience. 

Something to be mindful of? Several eyeshadows in this palette result in quite a bit of fall out. Depending on your preferences, this could be a real issue. Especially if you are looking for quick, easy, fuss free products. If you do purchase this palette, simply apply your eyeshadow before your foundation routine. Then sweep away any fallout underneath the eye area and voila! You will look fabulous without pesky fallout ruining your creation. Another option is to take steps to make your eyeshadow last

Makeup Looks and Overall Impressions

For the makeup looks (pictured above) the key was to showcase the versatility of this palette. One look is more neutral and features the browns, golds, and has Desert Queen through the crease. The other look is bolder, brighter, and makes the most of the blue shadows in this set. I look forward to creating more and more makeup looks using this beautiful palette. 

Overall, I am really enjoying the Rustic Glam palette from Dominique Cosmetics. It was my first time trying anything from this brand and I have to say...I am impressed. Many of the eyeshadow shades perform wonderfully. Some of them are flat out spectacular. There are only a few shades that disappointed (namely Cactus and Wanderlust) and fallout was a bit of an issue. However, the pigmentation levels are for the most part, fabulous, and the shade selection is downright incredible. 

Rating: 4 / 5

Have you tried anything from Dominique Cosmetics? What do you think of this palette?


  1. I love packaging of this pallet. It is so perfect and beautiful as well as shades inside. Thank you so much for sharing.

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  2. Good review 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. What a fun palette! I like the bright shades and you made two great looks with it! :)

    Hope you're having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww thank you! I hope you're having a great week as well

  4. The shade looks beautiful in the last picture, the brown looks natural and the blue shade looks powerful. I feel worth buying this palette.

    1. Its definitely worth looking into it! The shades are really pretty.

  5. It looks perfect dear kisses 😍

  6. Me ha encantado la paleta es preciosa! Tiene unos tonos que me irían genial tanto de día como de noche.

  7. I've never even heard of this brand before! Thanks for the heads up, Shannon. I can totally see why you love the Desert Queen shade...it's freaking awesome and you look awesome as always in both looks. So gorge!

    1. It really is! I am totally obsessed with that shade. Thank you!

  8. Very beautiful shadows!


  9. Wow Wow your looks are really fantastic! I really like the one with blue!

  10. This is quite the colorful palette and created two super fun looks. That is what is so fun about makeup all the experimenting and no commitment, just wash it off when you are done!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Yes, I totally agree! You get to experiment and have fun with it :)

  11. Very beautiful palette colors.


  12. wow, love the packaging and the colours look so beautiful! xx

  13. Their shades seem so thick and vibrant, I'd love something like that as I feel the ones I have blend in way to much <3


    1. They really are! The formula is quite impressive.


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