Monday, October 28, 2019

tarte rainforest of the sea trio (review + makeup look)

It was different. Unusual. The Rainforest of the Sea Foil Finger Paint set from Tarte stood out among the aisles of products...and for good reason. Not only were the colours bold and shimmery but the packaging was pure glitz and glitter. Since all of these qualities are right up my alley, I was intrigued to say the least. There were three different options. One was warm and golden, the other a combination of warm red and a cool white shimmer, and the last...a galactic inspired trio. The latter is the one I chose to test and try. Lunar is a trio that includes three shades, Tidal (a blue glitter), Shooting Star (a shimmery silver), and Moon Rise (a shimmery champagne). How did the trio perform? What was the unique formula actually like? Here is everything you need to know about this high end product.

Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Trio (Review)

When it comes to sparkle and shine...this mini trio certainly has plenty to offer. As you can see from the outer packaging (shown in the first image), the outside is pure glitter. Looks wise, that is something that stands out, makes a statement, and makes me smile. Why? I absolutely adore all things glitter. That being said, this packaging is ultra messy. Bits of glitter come off on my fingers every time I reach for this trio. So frustrating! If you are not in the mood for a little glitter, steer clear of this palette. The packaging alone will add lots of glitter to your life. Whether you like it or not. Something I do like about the packaging, however, is the size. This is really compact and easy to take with you on the go. It also includes a small mirror inside.

In terms of the actual shades inside, these are not traditional eyeshadows. According to the Tarte website, these are "pocket palettes packed with pigment" and include two foil formulas and one gel glitter topper. These are intended to be applied using the fingers. I can confirm that they really only work well when applied with your fingers (a brush makes the colour payoff weak and the formula look streaky). This is fine for the most part, but it can make application messy and makes it trickier to blend out the edges with ease. That being said, the two foil formulas are incredibly bold. They look stunning when freshly applied. The colours are beautiful and they are intense. Sadly, even with the use of a primer, I did find that the foils creased after about four hours. So these are definitely better to wear for shorter periods of time. Maybe a dinner or a lunch date with a friend. The gel glitter topper is certainly not gel-like at all and feels more like a dry chunky glitter. It looks okay but isn't my favourite product in the trio by any means. There is also glitter fall out with that topper, so be aware.

Makeup Look Using the Tarte Lunar Trio

All in all, I am pleased with the way the finished makeup look turned out. However, there are definitely some drawbacks to this Tarte trio. The packaging gets glitter all over, the shadows must be applied using your fingers, the foil shades crease, and the glitter is dry and chunky. This set is absolutely capable of creating beautiful looks....but it is a little more high maintenance than I would like. Especially when you consider how fool proof a lot of other Tarte products are to use. While I am not disappointed necessarily, I am not overwhelmed by this mini palette either. It is just okay.

Rating: 2.5 / 5

Have you tried any of the Tarte trios? What did you think of them?


  1. Good review :) Thanks for your sharing...

  2. I love the 3 colors!

  3. Hai realizzato un make up stupendo!!! Davvero bellissima

  4. Se ve todo precioso! Me encanta! ♡♡♡ muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras en mi blog ! Buenas noches! 🍁🍂♡

  5. it's a shame the formula isn't the best as the shades look great and I love the look you created with them! :)

    Hope that your week is going well! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww thank you! It really is a shame because I adore the colours.

  6. Bellissimo quest'effetto glitterato!

  7. Unfortunately when the eyeshadows are very glittered this is the risk you run. You are still beautiful with this makeup!

    1. Very true! I've had a lot that have been really glittery but not dry... And just as many that have been chunky and awful!


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