Tuesday, November 19, 2019

charmed aroma review: once upon a time fairy tale ring collection

It has become a bit of an addiction. Last year for Christmas, a friend gifted me a Charmed Aroma candle. It came in a pink velvet case with a fluffy pink pom pom charm on top. Inside was a stunning pink ring that always makes me feel beautiful when I wear it. (Check out that review and the ring inside the candle in my first Charmed Aroma post.) Since then, there have been several more of these candles - and accessories - in my life. From holiday designs to earring sets....there is something so thrilling about a fabulous scented candle and a surprise accessory. As both a candle lover and an accessories fanatic, this is a brand that is right up my alley. Most recently, I picked up the Once Upon a Time candle from the Fairytale Ring Collection. All of the example rings looked beautiful (and fairy tales make me happy in general) so I decided to take the plunge. How was the candle? And what ring design was inside? Here is everything you need to know about my latest Charmed Aroma experience.

Though the first Charmed Aroma candle had an elaborate design (with the soft pink velvet case, the pom pom charm, and unique shape) many of the other candles are a little simpler. Take the last candle I purchased, Strawberry Champagne, as an example. It had a golden lid and the candle came in a clear glass container. The same can be said for this Once Upon a Time candle. It looks very similar to a traditional Leyland & Body Works candle. The only difference is that these Charmed Aroma candles have two wicks instead of three, like B&BW. So in terms of packaging this is pretty basic and standard but it certainly does the job right.

So, what about the scent? Charmed Aroma has a wide array of candles to choose from. Some I like and some I do not. It all comes down to the scent. I prioritize that over the type of accessory inside, personally. Mainly because if I don't like the smell of the candle itself...I won't be able to fully enjoy the experience! This candle has a light scent with a hint of sweetness. It absolutely reminds me of a fairy tale type of smell. It is elegant but whimsical all at the same time. I love that this isn't super overpowering but has a way of filling up the room with ease.

Inside the candle was of course, the accessory I had been waiting for. In terms of burn time, it was about five hours before I saw the foil packet peeking out. In a dash of excitement, I blew out the candle, grabbed a pair of tweezers and did my best to remove the packet with as little mess as possible. (Though admittedly, I always seem to make a bit of a mess. Charmed Aroma has directions on how to remove your item here.) Then...ta da! I eagerly opened up the packet to uncover my shiny new ring. It wasn't quite what I expected. In fact, it was different from any other ring in my collection. It comes up quite high, has a bronze detail on the side and royal-looking designs with lots of sparkle surrounding it. On the top is a soft purple stone with sparkles all around it. This is totally unique and unlike anything else I had seen from Charmed Aroma or elsewhere. It is sparkly, elegant, and makes me feel beautiful when I wear it.

Something attached to each piece of jewellery inside a Charmed Aroma candle is a series of numbers. You then head to the website to get your piece appraised. The value can range quite significantly. According to the company, this particular ring was valued at $90. Not bad! I've heard some can be valued at up to $5000 but I have certainly never found one like that. Perhaps some day. For now, I am enjoying using up the rest of this Once Upon a Time candle and wearing this fabulous fairy tale inspired ring whenever possible.

Have you ever tried a Charmed Aroma candle? Any new accessories in your life?


  1. Good post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. I love candles, this one in particular is super beautiful.

  3. OMG, I am sooo in love with scented candle, so addicted to it!
    This one you have looks very nice , I'm currently addicted to BABW's Christmas collection scented candle though <3



    1. Haha me too! I always feel better when a scented candle is lit. Ooh I totally agree. Leyland and bodyworks always has the best candles! I love marshmallow fireside!

  4. Of late I have been writing more and I have a new insight
    Nice candle. I have an issue with scented candles they aroma doest last.


    1. That is so lovely! Very true but sometimes you don't want the aroma to last too long! I suppose it depends on the scent.

  5. What a beautiful candle and such a pretty ring! I've seen these candles around but never bought one - I really should, I love scented candles! :)

    Hope that you are having a great week! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you! Yes, they are a lot of fun. It is always nice to get a new accessory as well as a candle that smells good.

  6. That sounds so fun! I've never bought one of these.


    1. It sure is fun! Maybe one day you will find one to try :)

  7. Wow it seems like such a fun experience. I've never bought a candle that had a gift inside, but it's really cool that some of the jewellery pieces you can find can be worth up to $5000!

    Jessica Blantonh xo Oomph London

    1. It is! I love these candles so much. And the jewelry is always really pretty. I've never found one worth that much but my friend has a ring that was worth $1000 so that is neat!

  8. It is certainly a very special gift, the ring is really beautiful, the aromatic candles relax me. Kisses.


    1. Yes, I find them relaxing as well. I hope there is a special candle you've been enjoying lately.

  9. I love candles! this one looks cute, I'm curious how it smells :)
    kisses from Poland :*

    1. It smells so light and pretty! Scented candles are always a good idea :)


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