Tuesday, November 5, 2019

good american denim review + #OOTD

Since the launch of Good American denim a few years ago (where the brand made a whopping million dollars in a single day)....I have been dreaming of these jeans. I wondered what they were like. How the materials would hold up. What the styles would look like in person. Despite all of my wondering, it seemed I would never have the answers. Why? Good American was not sold in Canada. Though you could order items online, it seemed like too much of a gamble for such expensive pieces. I wouldn't be able to try them on ahead of time to get an idea of sizing - and returns would be complicated. Not to mention the ultra high price point once the US price was converted into Canadian dollars. Yikes! Luckily, the brand recently launched in Canada. And even more luckily for me, I received a pair of Good American jeans for my birthday. Here is a full review and a recent #OOTD featuring the brand.

Good American Denim Review 

Though I desperately wanted a pair of Good American jeans, this was a dream that seemed impossible. Even after the Canadian launch. The prices are definitely higher end, averaging at about $250 CDN per pair of denim jeans. For some, this is totally fine. For me? Not quite. When it comes to jeans, my average pair probably costs $30-50. High end designer jeans simply didn't fit into my fashion budget. Which is why I was so thrilled to receive a pair as a birthday gift this year. It was such a wonderful surprise. One that has been inspiring a lot of my outfits lately. 

As you can see from the picture above, the pair that I received is a medium wash and is part of the Good Legs line. (See the exact pair of Good American jeans here.) They are skinny jeans, because I love a good pair of skinny jeans, have a number of fantastic design details. Most notably, the jeans have a gap-proof waistband and they come up slightly higher in the back than they do in the front. This prevents that annoying "gap in the back" issue. Not to mention creates a sleeker more polished appearance. There are also reinforced belt loops for added longevity and durability.

 That isn't all. These jeans are made from Good American's "Power Stretch" fabric. It has been dubbed the brands stretchiest fabric with the most denim-like appearance. In short? The fabric is ultra comfortable (like wearing a pair of leggings) but still has the structure and appearance of a traditional pair of blue jeans. The brand also praises the fact that the stretch jeans have recovery fabric. This recovery means you can wear the jeans more than once in between washes without them losing shape or stretching. Needless to say, an awful lot of thought was put into the shape, design, and overall level of quality.

The details are what really makes the Good American denim stand out from the other jeans in my wardrobe. Did they feel drastically different? Not really. However, they are ridiculously comfortable, didn't lose their shape throughout the day (is there anything more frustrating than a pair of jeans getting baggier and baggier as the hours pass), and that higher cut in the back made a huge difference. The price tag on all the Good American products is quite high - but the attention to detail in the design makes it all understandable. Though I would love to add another pair to my closet (especially the distressed designs or a high rise pair), this is likely the only Good American denim I will have for quite a while. So, I plan to wear these jeans often and enjoy those little details. 

Good American Denim #OOTD

For the outfit of the day, pictured above, it was pretty casual and thrown together. But not all outfits need to be totally over the top! I left my hair natural (though I desperately need a haircut) and used my Physician's Formula Butter Collection set to create a warm makeup look. Then it was a burgundy top with yellow and white stripes on the elbows. (With a white tank top underneath, because I am so over this whole every-shirt-is-cropped trend.) Then the Good American jeans to finish it all off. Simple and comfortable. 

Overall, this is one pair of jeans that stands out in my wardrobe. Not only because the jeans and brand are tied to the Khloe Kardashian but because they are easily the highest quality fashion item I own. They look fabulous, fit well, and are made to last. I can't wait to keep wearing them - and create lots of other #OOTD posts. 

Have you tried anything from Good American? Are you a fan of Khloe Kardashian?



  1. great jeans!

  2. lovely jeans! Really love the washing of it - looks clean :)

    Happy week x

    1. Yes, I love it as well! Thank you for your comment :)

  3. Cool jeans! It seems to me that they will be very comfortable.

  4. thanks for the comment <3
    they look good on you :D



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