Friday, December 13, 2019

boxing day: saving money and surviving the post-holiday rush

Boxing Day. Those words can bring immense joy (if you plan to partake in the tradition) or immense fear (if you work in retail). This holiday has brought in waves of shoppers to stores all across the city. Every December 26th, discounted holiday merchandise and seasonal items go on sale across Canada. That means savvy shoppers can save money if they shop smart. Are you planning to score some Boxing Day deals this year? Find out how to save money – and survive the post-holiday rush by prepping and planning ahead of time. 

Start By Making a Plan

You know the old saying, those who fail to plan, plan to fail? This is true in many avenues of life…. and Boxing Day is no exception. Planning ahead can save you from wandering from store to store in vain. It can also help you find the item you want for the best price. Begin your planning process by determining what you are looking for. It might be a flat screen TV, a DVD set, or a set of Christmas lights for next year.

Why is this so important? By knowing what you are shopping for, you can find out in advance which stores carry them. And how much they will cost! Look at flyers, read the paper, or check store websites to find out what Boxing Day specials are going on as soon as those deals are announced. That extra planning now will save you time, money, and make sure your Boxing Day experience is anything but stressful.

Set a Budget – And Actually Stick To It

Chances are, you don’t have an unlimited budget this holiday season. Especially once the Christmas festivities have ended. Since a whopping 64% of holiday shoppers don’t include Boxing Day in their annual holiday budget, it is especially important that you make a shopping budget before you head out.

The best way to stick to that budget? Leave your credit card at home. There is no easier way to loose track of your spending than charging everything. If possible, take out enough cash for your intended purchases. That cash will help you stick to your budget. Don’t want to carry around a wad of money? Use your debit card. That way, the money will be taken out of your account instantly…and you can track your spending using your smart phone.

Arrive Early – And Bring a Buddy

Don’t be late to the party. Boxing Day shopping can be intense, to say the least. The reality? If you spend too long relaxing in bed, you might miss out on some unbeatable deals. The key is to get there early. Especially if you are looking for higher ticket items, like a computer, TV, or electronic device.

Keep in mind: you may need to wait outside before the store opens. That wait could be anywhere from an hour to two or three hours, depending on what you want to purse. So remember to dress warm - and don`t forget to bring along a buddy. They can keep you company and improve your overall experience. 

Boxing Day can feel overwhelming. All of the crowds? Yikes. This year, make sure your holiday goes off without a hitch. Just plan ahead, stick to your budget, and arrive early. You’re officially ready for Boxing Day. So, get out there and get your shop on this season.


  1. It's a great idea and your helps are so useful :)

    1. Oh thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind comment. Have a great weekend!

  2. I used to do the sales on Boxing Day, but not now - I find it too much and in Scotland it is ALWAYS busy haha!

  3. Good suggestions! :)

  4. Boxing day is just started in my city. I hope it wont be too overwhelming! Thank you for the tips!


    1. I hope not! Fingers crossed it'll be a positive experience for all!

  5. Very useful tips dear thanks :)

  6. Great post, Thanks for sharing, x


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