Wednesday, December 11, 2019

sephora #lipstories frosted kisses review + lipstick try on video

Lipstick is powerful. Inspirational. Exciting. The right shade has the ability to transform your makeup look and your mood.The quote, "If you're sad, add more lipstick, and attack," has always stuck with me. The reason? It is so true. The right shade of lipstick somehow makes you feel like a superhero, ready to take on the world. Or at least that's how it makes me feel. I tend to hold my head up a little higher and walk with more confidence when my lipstick is on point. Maybe that is why I was so enamored with the Sephora Frosted Kisses #lipstories set. The holiday collection comes with six shades in all - and adorable seasonal packaging as well. Take a peek at the shades and find out if the formula is impressive or a total letdown.

Frosted Kisses #lipstories: Review

This is not my first time trying out one of Sephora's #lipstories shades. In fact, not long ago, I picked up the shade Margs. It had a fabulous moss green colour - which you can see in my blog post or on my YouTube channel. While this is not my first #lipstories lipstick, it is certainly my most extensive dive into the collection. A collection that is shockingly affordable, by the way. These lipsticks retail for $10 CDN each - and the Frosted Kisses set was only $37 for all six lip products. Affordable items at Sephora? Would would've thought! 

The Frosted Kisses #lipstories set from Sephora includes six shades:

  • Ice Dancing
  • Sweater Weather
  • Campfire Cutie
  • Cabin Fever
  • Snow Day
  • Winter Blizzard

Not only do these lipsticks have adorable holiday themed packaging (with everything from mittens and hot coco to dogs running through the snow) but they also come in a variety of finishes. There is one cream formula, two metallic, and three matte. Let's start by talking about the cream lipstick, Ice Dancing. This is by far my favourite formula of the three. It is smooth, easy to apply, and ultra comfortable on the lips. If you want bold colour payoff without the dry feeling of a matte...the cream formula is your best bet. 

As for the metallic shades, these are a lot of fun and definitely well suited to a holiday collection. One is a vibrant gold (Campfire Cutie) and the other is a holographic pink (Winter Blizzard). I personally prefer the latter and like to layer it over my holiday lip looks to give it that extra oomph. Personally, it reminds me of the way freshly fallen snow glistens in the sunlight. Then there are the matte shades, Sweater Weather, Cabin Fever, and Snow Day. The colours are bold, look gorgeous, and aren't too drying. They are comfortable on the lips, for sure, but I still prefer that fabulous cream formula. 

There is a lot to enjoy with this lipstick set from Sephora. The variety of finishes is wonderful, the festive packaging is so fun, and it has an affordable price tag as well. This is definitely a holiday must-have. Ready to see the lipstick shades in action? Below is a YouTube video featuring each and every shade from the collection. This try on will give you a better idea of how the #lipstories holiday lipsticks actually perform. Be sure to sound off in the comment section below and let me know which shade you like best. 

Have you tried this set? What is your favourite holiday lipstick?


  1. Loved this lipstick's name 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. Replies
    1. It is a really great set! I love anything holiday themed.

  3. I have not tried this makeup, but the post interested me)))

  4. They all look nice, though Winter Blizzard is very subtle! Your makeup in the vid is fab too :-D

    1. Oh thank you so much! That is very kind of you to say.

  5. Love the packaging :)

  6. Good for Christmas Gifts :)
    I fallow you :)

  7. All the shades are beautiful and the presentation is very beautiful too, they all look great on you. Kisses

  8. Blogunuz oldukça güzel ve emek verilmiş.Kaleminize sağlık.Yeni
    açtığım bloguma zaman ayırıp takip ederseniz oldukça mutlu olurum.Sağlıcakla Kalın.

    1. Thank you! That is very kind. I appreciate your comment.


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