Monday, January 13, 2020

kardashian/jenner week (haul post + mini liquid lipstick review)

It was a thrilling moment. Walking into an Ulta Beauty store and seeing a massive display of Kylie Cosmetics and KKW Beauty, that is. Though this may be a common experience for many, there are no Ulta Beauty stores in Canada. (Not yet, anyway. Last year they announced a move to Canada was in the works.) During a visit to the England several months back, I made a very important stop at Ulta. It was a necessity. My mission was to browse the selection of Kardashian and Jenner branded makeup - and bring as much of it home as possible. It was an overwhelming and exciting experience...and it made me wish I had a larger shopping budget. This week on Mansa Fashion. I'll be reviewing all of the Kylie Cosmetics and KKW Beauty products that have been added to my makeup collection. So keep your eyes peeled for lots of makeup and reviews in the next several days. To start, I'll be sharing my Ulta Beauty haul and reviewing a couple of mini liquid lipsticks.

Kylie Cosmetics and KKW Beauty Haul

As you can see from the picture above, there were several items that caught my eye. (Honestly, there were a whole lot more that caught my eye, but I was trying to stick to some sort of budget!) In the end, my goal was to pick up an assortment of products that gave me a better idea of how the line performed. Especially since in the past, my only experience with Kylie Cosmetics was the line of liquid lipsticks. As for KKW, it was whatever stood out most to me. So, what was included in my Kylie Cosmetics and KKW Beauty haul? Here goes....

  • KKW Beauty Eyeshadow Palette in Sooo Fire
  • Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Eyeshadow Palette
  • Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Try It Kit
  • Kylie Cosmetics Kylie Holiday Mini Ornament Duo

Review: Kylie Cosmetics Mini Liquid Lipsticks

One adorable add on that was part of the exclusive holiday collection at Ulta was the Mini Ornament Duo. The sparkly pink package (complete with lots of gorgeous pink glitter) has a ribbon attached to the top, giving it an ornament inspired look. Inside, there are two mini liquid lipsticks. Since I am such a fan of the Kylie Cosmetics lipsticks (I've ordered several sets online over the years, including the Still In Love With the Koko set) this seemed like an obvious choice. The set includes Mary Jo K Matte Liquid Lipstick, which is a gorgeous red shade. It also had Charm Velvet Liquid Lipstick, a stunning dusty rose. Both shades are stunning, the pigmentation level is impressive, and the longevity is unmatched. I love that the formula is comfortable on the lips and stays put throughout the day.

Want to see the mini liquid lipsticks in action? I created a simple everyday makeup look using the holiday palette (a full review of that eyeshadow palette will be posted later on this week) and paired it with both of the lipstick shades. The first is Mary Jo K and the second is Charm. Be sure to sound off in the comment section below and let me know which lipstick shade you prefer.

It has been exciting to try out makeup products from Kylie Cosmetics and KKW Beauty. Here is to a week full of beauty reviews as part of the latest theme week here on Mansa Fashion.

Have you tried anything from Kylie Cosmetics? Which liquid lipstick shade is your favourite?


  1. Very popular brand 😊 thanks for your review 😊

  2. MAry Jo K looks amazing on you :-D

  3. Love them on yours!! The charm one is my favorite :D

  4. Replies
    1. For sure! They are really pretty. Thank you for visiting!

  5. OMG these look insane!

    Isobel x

  6. Hi! Wonderful makeup. I would like to try that brand.
    I hope you'll visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you very much! It's a brand I have really been enjoying!

  7. You picked so well, both shades of those lipsticks are so great on you! I've heard great things about the Kylie lip products but never tried them yet!

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww that is so sweet. Thank you! I really appreciate your kind comment. You're the best!

  8. Hi dear! Mary Jo K lipstick is my preferit!


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