Thursday, January 9, 2020

tips to eat healthier this winter

Brr! It sure is cold out there. The worst part? It seems to be getting colder by the minute. The winds have picked up and we have had more than a handful of snowfalls. Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of winter. Which is why so many of us tend to stay indoors. Free time is often spent watching endless Netflix marathons rather than heading outdoors to deal with the elements. During those streaming marathons? There may be some unhealthy comfort foods sitting nearby. (It’s okay. This happens to the best of us. Especially during the winter months.) If all of the binge-watching and binge-eating is making you feel kind of blah, don't worry. All you need to do is mix things up. Here are a few different ways to eat healthier this winter.

Swap Out a Heavy Lunch For a Warm Hearty Soup. It can be pretty tempting. To fill up on a heavy lunch, that is. Steak sandwiches, fully loaded nachos, and all the rest. Before you know it…. you’ve ingested enough calories for the day. In one sitting! There is a better way. Make the switch to a warm hearty soup instead. Soups are great because they make you feel full for a longer period of time. Plus they are warm and satisfying, which is perfect for the winter months. All you need to do is chop up your favourite vegetables (like celery, broccoli, and carrots) and add them to a low sodium broth. Add in noodles and season to taste. Or you can always pick up a can of soup from the grocery store. Just be sure to read the food label to check for calories and sodium levels.

Enjoy At Least One Full Sized Salad Per Week. Another way to eat healthier this winter? To commit to small and achievable changes. Like aiming to eat a salad for dinner once per week. This is a great way to mix things up – and get in some greens! Add in lots of extras like cucumber, tomato, and carrot to make it as healthy and satisfying as possible. You can also throw in small chunks of grilled chicken. Just be careful how much dressing you top your salad with. Often that is where the extra calories come from. Avoid creamy dressings and stick with a heart healthy balsamic vinaigrette instead.

Focus On Eating Well Portioned Snacks. Portion control is key. Especially when you feel like treating yourself to something special. So…if you want to focus on health this season, start with your portion sizes. Feel like snacking on potato chips? Portion out a small handful in a bowl instead of sitting down with half of a bag. Craving chocolate? Nibble on a few squares of dark chocolate or a handful of chocolate chips  rather than reaching for a family sized chocolate bar. If you’re still hungry after your well-portioned snack…. load up on vegetables or grab a small container of yogurt. The combination of healthy and splurge worthy treats will make it easier to cut back.

Other Ways To Eat Healthier This Winter:

  • Incorporate dark leafy greens into your meals. Doing this whenever possible can boost your intake of vitamins A, C, and K.
  • Add slices of lemon to your water. That way you can get a boost of flavour without adding extra calories. A bit of lemon will also add vitamin C and calcium to your diet. 
  • Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables. Not only are these easier to get (and cheaper, too) but they will help you mix up your meals in a fun and fresh way.

Do you have any healthy eating tips? Share them in the comment section below!


  1. I like soups all year round and love a good salad too! Not too bad here just now, though a bit icy tonight!

    Stirfrys, heathly and not too hard to make either.

    1. Yes, same! They can be so delicious! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I love the soup for lunch idea! I try to make a good "super salad" at least once a week—with lots of stuff on top so it's actually filling!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. That is such a great idea! Definitely a wonderful way to get in some healthy foods while still feeling satisfied.

  3. Great post, I follow you on gfc # 1523 ,follow back? :))

  4. Eat healthier. Love this post



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