Friday, February 28, 2020

perfume review: paris hilton platinum rush

I am no stranger to Paris Hilton perfumes. In fact, my collection is finally complete. For the last couple of years, I have been looking for the follow up to Rose Rush. Platinum Rush was released in 2018 but despite constantly keeping my eyes peeled....I couldn't manage to get my hands on a bottle. Personally, I don't like to order fragrances online because you never really know if the bottle will make it to your doorstep unscathed. So instead, I looked in every perfume and beauty shop imaginable trying to hunt down this bottle. Sadly my search was unsuccessful. On the plus side? My mom was able to track down a bottle and gifted it to me over the holidays. Since then, I've been reaching for this fabulous fragrance day after day.

One look at the photos above and you can see this bottle has serious shelf appeal. It looks absolutely incredible sitting on my perfume shelf. It has a similar design to the award-winning Gold Rush and the follow up, Rose Rush. Like Rose Rush, this bottle is all about sparkle. In addition to that dress silhouette, there are silver (or platinum inspired) sparkles all over the base of the bottle. The glitter is highly concentrated on the upper portion and then fades coming down. Everything about the bottle design thrills me. It is fun and feminine. And it certainly stands out from many other offerings!

As for the scent itself, it is fabulous. According to the brand, "Paris Hilton Platinum Rush is a women's fragrance that blends fruity, floral, aquatic, and tropical accords." It smells sophisticated, elegant, and bold. This is a wonderful choice for a night out and is definitely better suited to evening. A word to the wise? Platinum Rush is a much stronger scent than many other Paris Hilton perfumes. One spray goes a long way! Rather than spraying it directly to the skin, it is wise to spray it into the air in front of you and walk through. Otherwise, the scent might be a little too overwhelming at first. Want to hear a little bit more about the perfume? Take a closer look at the bottle design? I recently posted a YouTube video dedicated to the fragrance.

There are many favourites in my perfume collection. This is without a doubt on the short list. I love the bottle design and the bold scent. It makes me feel powerful, strong, and ready to take on the world.

Have you tried this perfume? What do you think of the bottle?

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. I love the design. I may have to buy this scent. Have a blessed day.

    1. Same! The bottle is so gorgeous. Thank you very much :)

  2. Hi! The packaging is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

  3. Wow the packaging of this perfume is amazing!

  4. I donno the perfume but loving the bottle - it looks amazing :-D

  5. Beautiful packaging.

  6. The bottle design is so Paris, and it looks nice. Would love to have a sniff! :)


    1. That is the perfect way to describe it! The bottle is so Paris!

  7. How nice your mum found it for you! it's a beautiful bottle and it's great the scent is so strong so you don't need to use a lot of it :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :) We spent the day with my mum yesterday shopping the sales for the leap day (and getting some great toy bargains we've put away for the kids birthdays!)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh that sounds like a fantastic way to spend the weekend! I'm so glad you were able to find toys for a great price. It's always nice to find things on sale!

  8. I'd love to smell it, and the packaging is so beautiful! Really awesome ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

  9. It sure is! If you ever come across the perfume, I'd highly recommend it! :)


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