Monday, March 23, 2020

hard candy week: new product haul + video

The past week has been...different. Most of my time has been spent indoors. While I have never been a social butterfly and quite frankly, love the idea of staying inside for an extended period of time, I miss seeing my family. A lot. So I have turned my attention to makeup and beauty. It is the ultimate distraction and has been the easiest way to perk up my mood. I've been filming YouTube videos. I've been creating random makeup looks. And I've been actively using some recent Hard Candy purchases. Several weeks ago, I was wandering my local drugstore (before the world turned upside down) and saw a full display of new Hard Candy items. New logo, new lines, and a Marilyn Monroe inspired collection. Yes, please! Everything looked fabulous. I poured over the display and carefully selected the products I wanted to try most. Honestly? Life was so busy at that point, that I didn't really have much time to test and try out the products properly. Now that things are at somewhat of a standstill, it has been all Hard Candy all the time.

Which brings me to the purpose of this post. Today marks the beginning of a week of Hard Candy reviews and makeup looks. This theme week will be putting all of those Hard Candy products to good use. So if you are interested in the latest from this drugstore brand - or are just interested in a little distraction - then stay tuned. There will be plenty of fabulous reviews to come in the next several days. To start, I wanted to do a little haul of sorts. To show you all of the items that came home with me that fateful day at the drugstore. Though there was plenty to choose from, I ended up with:

  • Hard Candy x Marilyn Monroe Glitter Liquid Eyeliner in Sparkling Roses
  • Color Liquid Eyeliner in Yellow, It's Me
  • Hard Candy x Marilyn Monroe Tinted Lip Balm in Coconut Rose
  • Hard Candy x Marilyn Monroe Tinted Lip Balm in Strawberry
  • Smoothing Primer Balm
  • Hard Candy x Marilyn Monroe Luminizing Body Powder
  • Hardy Candy x Marilyn Monroe Rose Drench Toner + Refresher
  • Syrup Kiss Lip Stain in Makeout Mauve 
  • Hard Candy x Marilyn Monroe Starlet Glow Strawberry Face Serum

In case you want to take a better look at the products (or see that gorgeous Marilyn Monroe inspired packaging in more detail) my YouTube channel also has a little haul and sneak peek of things to come.

This week is all about Hard Candy. So get ready for lots of reviews and makeup looks. In the meantime, stay safe and make the most of the time you have at home. This could be the perfect opportunity to catch up on organizing your closet, reading a good book or two, or having fun with beauty products. However you choose to spend this time...make the most of it and remember to be grateful for everything we still have.

Are you a fan of Hard Candy? How have you been spending your time indoors?


  1. Nice products and thank you for sharing them with us.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this, Shannon! I love Marilyn Monroe! So sad I missed this. Did you get this at Shoppers? I love the sound of that rose toner, and the lip balms are perfect for everday use. I actually like that they're not that pigmented and I like the cardboard packaging:)
    Stay safe:) XOXO
    PS I like the new Hard Candy logo too!

    1. I actually got it all from the beauty section at Wal Mart! Yes, the new logo is super cute. I really like it!

  3. interesting cosmetics, unfortunately I don't know them. I wonder if I can buy them in Poland, probably yes, but I didn't see them on the shelves in the store.

    1. I'm not sure if they are sold there! If you ever come across Hard Candy items they are worth trying!

  4. the products look pretty exciting! wanna try for myself

  5. Thanks for your sharing !!!
    I hope you are fine,
    stay safe!

  6. I have never try this Brand but products seems promising

    Have a nice day
    Kinza Khushboo
    Glamorous without the Guilt
    Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt

    1. Yes, there are a lot of great ones from the brand! Thank you for visiting!

  7. wow how many! :) oh no, is that in yellow yellow??? hahahaha
    have a good day dear and keep stay home safe!

    1. It is a bright yellow! There will be a makeup look using it posted here in the next few days :)

  8. Very interesting products! Fantastic post! 

    Kisses :)  

  9. Nice post and great products.


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