Tuesday, March 31, 2020

kate spade wild leopard purse + four essential purse care tips

Kate Spade always makes me happy. Quite frankly, the high end fashion brand checks off all the boxes on my list. Cute and whimsical designs? Check. Good quality? Check. Not afraid of sparkles, leopard print or the colour pink? Check, check, and check. While I adore many Kate Spade pieces...I don't actually own that many items. A few pairs of earrings here, a wallet there, and a more recent addition of my very Kate Spade purse. More recently, I was gifted the Kate Spade purse pictured above. Its official title? Kate Spade New York Run Wild Leopard Hayden Top-Handle Women's Shoulder Bag. Personally, I just like to call it my cat purse. I've been waiting for just the perfect moment to wear it for the first time.

We all need to stay inside as much as possible. So, there hasn't been much use for luxury handbags lately. At least not for me! Despite that, this purse fills me with hope. It reminds me that one day, things will change. One day, there will be places to go and people to see. One day, everything will be okay. For now? I have my fabulous cat purse from Kate Spade. There are many reasons I adore this handbag. For starters, the quality is excellent and the purse is nice and roomy. I also love that many of the details have texture. For instance, the nose and whiskers are separately stitched on and the ears don't lie flat on the purse. Then there is the leopard print on each side of the purse. It is a textured material that feels like fur. Which is fitting considering the cat design. There are so many fabulous little details that make this bag extra special. I love that it isn't afraid to be fun and showcase personality. Those are always my favourite fashion items.

Now for four essential purse care tips! Eventually, there will be some sense of normality once again. (Or at least I hope so.) When that happens...there will be plenty of reasons for beautiful purses and fashionable ensembles. Here are a few tidbits of information to make sure your own special handbag stays clean and beautiful for years to come.

  1. Never Put Your Purse on the Floor. This is something I am often guilty of. I toss my purse absolutely anywhere that is convenient. Floor, chair, hook....anywhere. To maintain the appearance (and cleanliness) of your beloved bag, try to be thoughtful about where you set it down. The back of your chair or your lap is ideal. Just do what you can to keep it up and away from the floor. 
  2. Be Careful When Cleaning. Taking steps to clean your purse is wonderful and can keep it looking its best. However, not all cleaning products are suitable for all fabrics. Be sure to consider what your purse is made out before you use a cleaning product that is too harsh or could cause irreversible damage. It is also important to be gentle during the cleaning process to avoid causing tears or pulling the stitching. 
  3. Think About How You Store Your Bags. Whether you have a high end purse or something that is ultra affordable and cute, storage is important to think about. If your handbag came with a duster or dust bag, use it! Rather than piling all of your purses on top of one another, consider your storage options. Proper storage and shelving can help your bags maintain their shape. 
  4. Clean Our Your Purses Often. Every purse tells a story. Or at least mine seem to. Ticket stubs, empty food wrappers, random change that fell out of my wallet, lipstick for touch ups, and perfume samples can be found in any number of my purses. I have recently started to understand the true importance of cleaning out my bags regularly. Not only does this keep them nice and tidy...but you won't have to worry about taking a bunch of unnecessary items with you when you are running out the door. 

Are you a fan of Kate Spade? How do you take care of your purses?


  1. Thanks for your informative article 😊

  2. Thank you for your information on how to properly care for the bag. Informative ..., I like to read it.

    Greetings from Indonesia

  3. Lovely handbag

  4. oh my! that is sooo cute! I positively need it in my life as well. Kate Spade bags are a must to me

  5. I love its design, so cute!! And thanks for the tips, I admit I put my purse on the floor too often ^^


    1. Oh gosh, me too! That is definitely something I'll be working on.

  6. My only Kate Spade bag is the one I bought when I was in uni and I still have it! It was first real designer bag:) This one you got is sooooo cute, Shannon:) Love it. And yeah....I also put bags on the floor:( I should really stop doing that.
    Hope you're all keeping safe:)

    1. Oh I'm sure it is lovely! It's great that the bags have longevity and style. Thank you. Hope you and your family are staying safe as well!

  7. Thanks for the beautiful post!Have a nice day)  

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great day as well.

  8. Nice bag https://www.ludatischenko.com/


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