Friday, March 13, 2020

make your curls last longer.

It is always the same. Your hair is curled to perfection....when you leave the house, that is. By the time you reach your destination? Those stunning curls have fallen flat. There is nothing more frustrating. Especially when you have a special get together or dinner party to attend. Stop settling for a sub par hairstyle. These four tips will give your curls plenty of staying power. That means you can sit back, relax, and know that your ‘do is always ready for that impromptu selfie.

Take a Hard Look At Your Products. The truth? You can spend hours upon hours curling your hair, but if you aren’t using the right products those curls simply will not stay. There are so many hair care items on the shelves these days. That can make it tricky to know what to buy. Not anymore! Start in the shower by washing your hair with a lightweight shampoo and conditioner. You don’t want anything that is going to weigh down your hair. Products that are too heavy will nix those curls in no time flat. Post shower, dry your hair with a big fluffy towel. When it is damp, grab a curl boosting mousse and scrunch it through the length of your hair. This will give it texture and amplify those curls.

Don’t Be Too Committed To Your Curling Iron. You have chosen a curly or wavy hairstyle. Maybe it is for a wedding or a date with someone special. Instinctively, you reach out for that curling iron. Wait! Before you do, consider all of your options. There are many different ways to achieve head-turning curls. There are clampless curling irons (which will help you avoid iron marks), hot rollers, pinning methods (for heatless curls), and even your hair straightener. The latter is great because you can achieve both natural waves and bombshell curls using one single tool. Plus, straighteners tend to hold the curl a little better because the temperatures are higher. Just be sure to apply a heat protectant on your hair before you get started.

Try Not To Rush Your Curls. Patience may be a virtue but it can be extremely difficult to slow down and wait. These days, we are so go-go-go that devoting a ton of time to a hairstyle can be challenging. When it comes to curls? Slower is better. You want to give each individual curl the chance to cool before you touch it. That means no brushing, no moving, and no product. At least not right away. The cooling down process is key. That is what allows your hair to maintain that curled shape. Try pinning your curls with bobby pins, letting them cool down completely, and then unpinning. Your style will last all night long.

Use a Light Hand When You Reach For Hairspray. Time for those all too important finishing touches. Hairspray and curls go hand in hand. Unfortunately, many of us overdo the hairspray…. and accidentally destroy those beautiful curls in the process. Don’t let it happen to you! Use a little bit of hairspray to give your curls hold. Just be careful not to add on a ton of product. This can weigh down your hair or give your curls that unfortunate crunchy look. Remember, less is more.

You deserve gorgeous hair. Don’t accept that your curls will fall and fade. Simply put these tips to the test. Before you know it, you will be the envy of everyone you meet.


  1. My hair has always been straight and never had it curly!

    1. Really? Maybe one day you can try curling it! Though straight hair is equally fabulous!

  2. I love curly hair, interesting tips!
    Kisses, Paola.


  3. I need to follow this. My curls always go back to straight fast!


    1. I hear that! Which is why I have to put in extra effort when I curl my hair!

  4. These are good tips! I haven't curled my hair in a while, it's so short after donating it a while back!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! We are having a quiet one here :)

    Away From Blue

    1. You have gorgeous hair and it is so wonderful that you donated it. What an inspiration you are!

      We are having a quiet weekend as well, given everything going on in the world. Staying inside as much as possible.

  5. Beautiful curly hair! :)

    A home with care.

  6. I want to buy a new iron so that I can straighten my hair and make curls

    1. Definitely a good investment! I've had my flat iron for ages and probably need a new one soon.


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