Wednesday, March 11, 2020

review: revlon kiss lip balm and treatment

Though winter is allegedly winding down (there are only eight more days until the official start of the spring season) it sure doesn't feel like it. Outside, temperatures are low, winds are high, and piles of snow still cling to front lawns and crosswalks. The last several months could be summed up by one word: dry. My hands are dry, my face is dry, and my lips are well, dry. Despite all of the hand lotions, moisturizers, and lip balms used to combat dry skin this remains an issue. So of course I was excited to stumble upon a product from Revlon. The Kiss Lip Balm and Treatment set seemed to have it all: a lip scrub to exfoliate and a nourishing balm to reintroduce hydration. Keep reading to find out more about this drugstore set.

Revlon Kiss Lip Balm and Treatment Set (Review)

This particular drugstore set came with two lip products. To start, there is the Exfoliating Balm in Sugar Mint. In recent months, I have tried a few different lip scrubs. (Like the Lucy Pucker Lip Scrub from Ole Henriksen. Read that review here.) Some have worked well and some not so much. The Revlon Kiss Exfoliating Balm is definitely one that works well. It is a nice compact size and is easy to throw into your purse or store with your other lip products at home. The scrub is ultra effective for those dry winter lips and quickly exfoliates. The scrub is a little rougher than others on the market - but for winter weather that is actually a benefit. This also has a really pleasant mint scent. All in all, I am impressed with the Exfoliating Balm and will continue to use this prior to lipstick application.

The other product in the Revlon Kiss Lip Balm and Treatment Set is a lip balm in the shade Juicy Peach. As you can see from the packaging, this is a peach inspired item. Not only is the packaging a pretty peach colour but it smells positively peachy as well. (Since I adore makeup that smells great....this is a serious bonus.) In terms of colour payoff, there is none. Though this is peach inspired there is no peach colour to enjoy. However, the balm does offer a nice amount of shine. It also feels hydrating and comfortable on the lips. Plus, it smells amazing throughout wear time. The formula is smooth and applies easily. All in all, I am quite happy with this lip balm. It checks off a lot of boxes: ease of use, scent, hydration, and shine.

Rating: 5 / 5

What a wonderful lip set. Not only does it include an exfoliation balm that works well but there is a fabulous scented lip balm as well. These items are must haves if you are on-the-go. The size is compact and both products are ultra effective. Overall, I am thrilled with this drugstore set.

Are you a fan of Revlon? Have you tried either of these lip products?


  1. First time I m seeing this ! looks really interesting

  2. Wow, I do love the treatment balm, kind of reminds me of the lip moisturizer from Neutrogena!


  3. The balm has very nice color/ Thank you for review )))

  4. It looks like such a good set and it's great it works so well for you! :) I definitely need to use more moisturising things in winter.

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes, it's so important! Thank you. I hope you are having a great week as well!

  5. it looks interesting!
    thank you for sharing
    style frontier

  6. Oh wow, looks like a great duo! Revlon really has some nice products.

  7. I didn't know these products! Thanks for your advice!

  8. Sounds like a great balm maybe not for color but for what balms do...moisturize.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Exactly! Definitely a wonderful moisturizing product.

  9. Very interesting products! I didn't know about this brand :)

    1. Well I'm glad I could let you know about them! Thanks!

  10. Never tried these, but I like Revlon polishes :-D

    1. Me too! My all time favourite nail polish is from a region Revlon. It is a gorgeous silver glitter that lasts for ages!

  11. I don't like lip scrub, but this balm looks interesting

    1. Fair enough! Yes, the balm has been good to have on hand!


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