Tuesday, April 14, 2020

indoor workouts (fitness tips + my current routine)

Before there were orders to stay indoors, to social distance, and to isolate....my schedule largely consisted of work and the gym. Things have certainly changed. There is a part of me that misses working out at the gym. Though truthfully, I have always been a home workout kind of gal. I am extremely familiar with the work of Jane Fonda, Jena Hughenian Michaels, Bob Harper, GymRa, Fitness Blender, and a number of other exercise enthusiasts. (For some DVD suggestions be sure to check out my top five favourite workouts.) So while there is a part of me missing my gym time, this has also given me the chance to re-commit myself to at home fitness. This might be a bit of an adjustment for some. However, it is also a wonderful opportunity to make the most of the space you have. Here are a few indoor workout tips as well as some information about my current fitness routine.

Indoor Fitness Tips to Add to Your Day

It isn't always easy to workout at home. There are so many others things calling for your attention. Maybe the dishes have piled up or you still have a couple episodes of Tiger King to finish streaming on Netflix. Distractions are everywhere! So how can you focus on working out? Here are a few helpful tips and tricks to motivate yourself from the comfort of your home.

  • Schedule All Workouts. Sticking to a schedule is essential. If you are someone that likes to do lists, write down your daily workout on your to do list. Or you can set an alarm every day for a specific time and workout then. The key here is to actively schedule your workout. If you have already allotted time for it in your day (and are mentally prepared to workout) you are far more likely to follow through. 
  • Dress the Part. It is absolutely possible to get a good workout in wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. However, it can be beneficial to dress the part. At least a little bit. Wear workout gear that you would typically wear out for a jog or to the gym. Or you can wear a simple t-shirt in a colour that makes you feel good. Putting in that little extra dash of effort will mentally shift you into a workout mindset. 
  • Don't Worry Too Much About Equipment. While it is certainly nice to have certain pieces of workout equipment in your home...it isn't a necessity. Don't let a lack of weights stop you from getting a good sweat on! There are many different body weight only workouts (check YouTube for some free options) or you can improvise with heavy candles or other items that are already in your home. Get creative and don't give up. 
  • Keep Track of What You Accomplish. Every single workout is an achievement. Every single one. So celebrate your successes. Keep track of your workouts in a notebook or on your phone. Write down what you did, how long you worked out for, and if you have noticed any progress in your fitness level. Being mindful of those accomplishments will motivate you to keep going...even when you may not feel like it. 

My Current Workout Routine

Two words: Jen Widerstrom. All I can say is thank goodness for her quarantine workouts and fitness plans. The trainer, athlete, and former Biggest Loser coach has been very active lately. She has been doing livestream workouts five days a week over on her Facebook page. If you can't make the livestream...that's okay. Every workout is saved so it can be viewed any time. (Interested? You can check them all out on Jen Widerstrom's Facebook Page.) There are new workout moves every day. For instance, one day will be full body, another leg day, then arms or upper back, core and cardio, and an active recovery day. The variety is wonderful. Especially for me because I have a tendency to get bored doing the same thing over and over again. This schedule keeps me challenged and motivated to keep pushing forward. To stay active during this uncertain time.

Even if you don't have workout essentials like weights and kettle bells, it doesn't matter. The workouts Jen has been sharing on her Facebook lives are primarily body weight focused. There are a few suggested items, like a chair or towel, but there are modifications based on the equipment you have available. This makes the workouts accessible for everyone. There are also modifications given based on strength level. Jen's workouts are not only free to view but they are also really motivating. She is so uplifting and encouraging - which is something I have really needed lately. The gratitude I have for her continued work and all of her livestreams is indescribable.

How have you been staying active lately? Share your own tips and suggestions in the comment section below! 


  1. I need motivation...that is my biggest problem!

    1. I hear you on that! Every morning during this quarantine, I make working out the first item on my to do list. That way, I make sure to follow through.

  2. Nice post dear! <3

  3. Oh my gosh! I used to do the Jane Fonda Lean Routine. I thought I was the only one that loves her workout DVDs!:) Thanks for the heads up about Jen's workout vids. I must be living under a rock coz it's the first time I've heard of her. I've been doing th Zumba DVDs for ages now, so I'm still doing that along with fitness vids on Amazon Prime:)

    1. YES! Oh my gosh, that one is SO GOOD. Definitely one of the best. I have a serious addiction to Jane Fonda workouts. I'm glad you have a quarantine workout that is keeping you going! <3

  4. Great tips, thanks for sharing, totally what I needed right now!

  5. Great tips dear! I really liked the post:)

  6. I train almost every day in quarantine =)

  7. These are great suggestions but I feel so lazy! :(

    1. Everyone has those days! I make sure to add working out to my daily schedule and to do list. That helps me stay motivated!

  8. It's great you've found things to work for you! I'm really missing getting my physio sessions to have different exercises to do. not for a full exercise plan or anything, just to manage my knee pain. It's hard to do any kind of at home workout without knowing what is or isn't safe, and right now I can't travel to my physio as the distance is too far for me to drive and I don't feel safe taking public transport like I used to before all this virus stuff!

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh, that sounds really frustrating. I am so sorry you aren't able to go to your physio at the moment. That has to be really difficult. Definitely better safe than sorry when it comes to public transit, so I can fully understand that. Fingers crossed it won't be too much longer until you can go again! <3

  9. Really motivating! Nowadays each of us needs motivation. it's good to support each other and if someone has more strength to share it with others :)
    Stay Safe!

    1. Agree! Other people motivate me, for sure. I hope this helped!

  10. How good you are! I'm (in Italy) locked in the house for 40 days and have not yet managed to do a fitness exercise!

    1. 40 days is a long time! I hope you continue to do well. There is still time to get your workout on! You can do it!

  11. I love working out at home since forever ☺

  12. nice one! I workout at home daily as well. I am either with my trainers or do the my own invented scheme but I had a sport background so I can actually allow myself not to follow the trainers

    1. That's great! I'm sure your sports background is definitely coming in handy during this time.

  13. I am doing it on the floor of my room ahah I am following an appropriate training to what I want, by applying Adidas. :P

    1. Perfect! That is a great plan! Glad it is working for you :)

  14. İ love indoor workouts. Stay active 🏋️🏋️🏋️


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