Tuesday, April 28, 2020

trying out wet n wild workout inspired makeup

Workout inspired makeup? From Wet n Wild? Needless to say, this nabbed my attention. Wet n Wild has long been one of my favourite drugstore brands. In fact, I've been reviewing their products for years and years. In terms of quality, Wet n Wild has seriously stellar products for ridiculously affordable prices. Though not every item is a winner....there have been several standouts over the years. So of course, the Wet n Wild Pump line intrigued me. It included dozens of athletic friendly releases that were both workout inspired and portable, making them stylish and easy to take to the gym. There were a lot of options. So I narrowed it down to one palette, a blush stick, and two lip balms. Keep reading to find out how everything performed and whether these products were actually workout proof.

Wet n Wild Partner Up Lip Balm Sticks

With a fairly extensive line to choose from, I struggled to make wise decisions. Which items would I actually use? What was I most curious about? Out of everything, the Lip Balm Sticks were the easiest to select. It seemed like a no brainer. During a good workout at home or at the gym, I am always reaching for my lip balm. It made sense to add something to my routine that had a little colour payoff. This sounded like a practical and beautiful way to spice up my workout routine. There were four shades to choose from in the line, but I opted for Peach Bootcamp and Violet Victory. In terms of size...these are wonderful for the gym. They are compact and easy to bring along, wherever your workout takes you. However in terms of quality? They were disappointing. They worked decently as lip balms but there was no colour payoff whatsoever. It is baffling to me that there would be four different shade options when both Peach Bootcamp and Violet Victory look exactly the same when applied.

Wet n Wild Partner Up Blush Stick

Another product that caught my eye was this cream blush stick. Again, this came in four different shade options. I chose I'm Glistening, which is a lovely peachy coral colour. Just like the lip balms, this is a wonderfully compact size and would be a good addition to either a travel bag or a gym bag. That is the good part. The not so good part? The formula itself was really tough and sticky. When I applied this stick blush on the cheeks, it felt like I was rubbing a cheap dollar store lip gloss all over my face. It was ultra tacky, uncomfortable to apply, and never dried down completely. The colour was absolutely gorgeous though! It is just a shame that the formula wasn't a favourite of mine.

Wet n Wild Full Circuit No Limit Palette

The last item from the collection that I tried was the No Limit palette. There were two options available: Cool Down and Warm Up. I chose the Warm Up palette, because warm makeup shades tend to be my preference. There was also a really pretty pink lipstick that I was interested in testing. The palette itself is unique in the fact that it contains colour correcting creams, two lip creams, three eyeshadows, a blush, highlight, and bronzer. It is a really well rounded offering that had the potential to be a wonderful workout addition. Was it? Well, sort of. There were hits and misses within this particular palette. Though the addition of colour correcting products was smart, the formula was tough and really dragged along the skin. The lip colours were pretty and added a nice flush of colour to the lips. Sadly, they were drying and didn't have the longevity to last an entire workout. On the other hand, the eyeshadows were quite impressive. Especially that third shade. It was warm, shimmery, and had incredible staying power. The blush and highlight also performed well and added a lovely amount of colour to the cheeks. As for that bronzer? It was miles too light for even my pale skin. That was definitely a missed opportunity.

Below is a makeup look that I created using the No Limit palette. As you can see, that eyeshadow shade really is beautiful. There were some additional products used to pull the look together, which were featured in my latest YouTube video. It was all about putting these Wet n Wild products (as well as a few additional waterproof items) to the test. I wanted to see how everything would hold up during an actual workout. The video features before and after footage as well as a general review of the products in the Pump line.

Rating: 1.5 / 5

All in all, this was a bit of a letdown. Some of the products lacked pigmentation and others had formula issues. There were a few impressive items, though. The eyeshadows and cheek products worked well and had impressive longevity. As for workout worthy? I think there are better options to choose from. The concept behind the Pump line was great. Unfortunately, the quality and consistency just wasn't there.

Have you tried anything from this collection? Are you a fan of Wet n Wild?


  1. Products look amazing!Such a shame that blush isn't that good,colour is beautiful!Great post dear,thanks for sharing!

    1. It is, for sure! It was certainly worth trying though. Thank you so much for your comment!

  2. Me encantó el post, gracias por compartirlo. Besos.

  3. These look nice, lovely makeup :-D

  4. Replies
    1. There were a few good items in there! Thank you for stopping by :)

  5. Perfection!


  6. Looks cute but I was not interested in this collection :(

    1. Understandable! Most of the products didn't work out well anyway, so you haven't missed much!

  7. Such a pretty look! Your cateye look amazing!

  8. Wow this looks amazing!!    


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