Thursday, May 14, 2020

brune nail polish review + classic nail look

My last nail polish colour? Black. Before that? Yellow. Before that? Pink. When it comes to nail polish colours, it honestly comes down to whatever I am in the mood for on that particular day. My latest nail polish look was decidedly more neutral. Extremely neutral, in fact. After a couple of weeks with dramatic black nail polish on my was time for a change. For something a little more low key. That is why it made sense to put a recent addition to my nail polish collection to the test. Brune is not a brand that I have tried before but their nail polish in the shade 03 was intriguing. I love a neutral nail polish shade every now and again. Especially one that looks clean, classic, and effortlessly put together. How did this nail polish perform? What does the colour look like? Keep reading for all in the information you need about this Brune nail polish.

As I mentioned, this was my first time using anything from Brune. Or even hearing of the company, to be honest. According to the brand website, the products are all cruelty free and paraben free. (Which is always a good thing.) There are eight different nail polish shades available and they each retail for $12. The nail polish claims to be high shine, full coverage, easy to spread and apply, and long lasting. This particular nail polish comes in a box with the ingredients printed on it as well as the logo and shade number. Though that is a nice detail, I don't know that it is entirely necessary. However, that certainly gives it a little more durability if you are ordering the item online.

The bottle is straightforward and sleek. It contains 0.47 fl. oz of product and has a standard application brush. The first coat went on well but it needs two to three coats to achieve a full coverage level. It is easy to apply and only took a couple of minute to dry in between coats. However, in order for the polish to fully dry (to the point where it wasn't smudging) it took several hours. This is fairly standard - though it is always preferable when a brand has a formula that fully dries in a shorter time period. One example of that is the Sally Hansen Insta-Dri line. Those polishes are perfect for days when you want gorgeous colour without all of the waiting. As for the colour of this particular polish? Brune's 03 is a warm creamy nude. It looks really beautiful and has an impressive amount of shine.

As you can see from the picture above, this is a really pretty nail polish. I love the colour! Every time I look down at my nails, it makes me smile. The colour is gorgeous and the shine is spectacular. My only wish is that it didn't take quite so long the polish to dry completely. That being said, I am certainly open to trying another polish from Brune in future. The neutral shades look gorgeous and the finish is wonderful.

Rating: 4 / 5 

Have you tried anything from this brand? What nail polish shades do you like best?


  1. Nice colour 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. I didn't try anything from this brand,but Im sure I will!Beautiful shade,my favorite!

  3. This mauve color suits your nails so much, love the result! <3


  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend :)

  5. The natural color is almost similar to the original color of nails making nails look very fresh.

    Have a nice day :)

  6. That's such a lovely nude colour! It's a shame it took so long to dry, but it does look really pretty on you! :)

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed it. I am so far. I hope your weekend is going well also :)

  7. Don't know the brand and not a big nude fan! Looks nice on your nails. You have pretty nails :-D


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