Sunday, May 24, 2020

charlotte tilbury (mini hot lips charms try on + review)

Charlotte Tilbury? In my makeup collection? Never in my wildest imagination did I think there would be anything from this prestigious brand sitting in my beauty room. The reason was simple. The price! If you've been reading my blog for a while then you know that I am an advocate for drugstore makeup items but love to mix in higher end products as well. Though splurging on a pricey eyeshadow palette every now and then is fine by me....the prices for Charlotte Tilbury items always seemed to take me by surprise. I have never been able to (or willing to) justify spending $60-70 on an eyeshadow quad. Or $45 on a nude lipstick. There always seemed to be more exciting or more affordable items to choose from. Though I'd long been curious about the brand, it just seemed out of the cards for me. Until my sister gifted me the Mini Hot Lips Charms set during the holiday season. Though they have been in my possession for a while now, it is only more recently that I truly started putting these miniature lipsticks to the test. For a review of the formula as well as a try on of each of the shades...keep reading. 

Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hot Lips Charms (Review)

This mini lipstick trio comes in cute and sophisticated purse inspired packaging. The cardboard container is in a purse shape and even has a burgundy ribbon on the top. The colour scheme is a rich black and burgundy with pops of gold. There are stars, animal prints, and stripes all over the outside. Though it is small in size, this lipstick trio certainly looks appealing from the outside. Once you open up the little purse, there are three pint sized lipsticks inside. They are wrapped in a dark plum coloured tissue. Once you remove the lipsticks from the packaging there are golden lipstick tubes covered in leopard print. (As a fan of all things leopard print....this is a serious bonus.) In terms of the actual packaging, the Mini Hot Lips Charms set is fabulous. It looks wonderful and has a fantastic blend of sophistication and fun. 

It is clear that the packaging is lovely, but what about the actual lipstick shades? This set comes with JK Magic (described as a pink-kissed nude), Amazing Amal (a warm berry shade), and Viva La Vergara (a deep wine colour). In terms of variety, this set certainly covers the bases. It has a nude, a berry shade, and a wine colour. That means you have everything you need to complete a night out makeup look. Whether you are wanting something a little more subtle, dramatic, or warm...there are options to choose from. I really enjoy the thoughtfulness of the colour choices. 

As for the formula? This is where the lip trio kind of falls apart. Considering the price of Charlotte Tilbury products, I had high expectations. Very high expectations. Perhaps that was the problem. I assumed that because the brand had a higher price tag the formula would be rich, creamy, and luxurious. Not at all. While the lipsticks have lovely level of pigmentation, the formula leaves something to be desired. It is extremely dry. During application, the product tugs and pulls on the lips because it is just really dry. Additionally, it continues to feel dry and somewhat uncomfortable after application. Despite the fact that my lips were moisturized prior to application, these just did not feel comfortable, hydrating, or luxe. I was especially surprised to read on the website that the lipstick trio was made up of "a special blend of waxes to ensure a smooth application." Those waxes did not do the trick, in my opinion. The colours are gorgeous but the formula is just not up to par.

Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hot Lips Charms (Try On)

Despite the lackluster formula, the colours themselves are quite nice. Want to see them in action? Here is a try on of each of the mini lipsticks included in this high end set. The first is JK Magic, the second is Amazing Amal, and the final shade is Viva La Vergara. Out of the three, my personal favourite is probably JK Magic. Though the other two are both pretty, there isn't a significant difference between them. The colours are nice but they don't wow. Be sure to sound off in the comment section below and let me know which shade you like best.

Shade: JK Magic (Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hot Lips Charms)

Shade: Amazing Amal (Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hot Lips Charms)

Shade: Viva La Vergara (Charlotte Tilbury Mini Hot Lips Charms)

Overall, this was an interesting experience. The packaging was beautiful, the lipstick colours were pretty, but the formula left quite a lot to be desired. I am grateful to my sister for treating me to this set over the holidays...but it hasn't inspired me to purchase anything from the brand in future. From what I can see, the price point is just too high for the end result.

Still want to see more high end lipsticks in action? Recently, I did a lipstick try on for my YouTube channel. It features three Laura Mercier lipstick samples. Find out how they performed:

Have you tried anything from Charlotte Tilbury? Are you a fan?


  1. OMG! I really love the purse and those shades are equally amazing!

    1. They are really nice colours! Thank you for your comment!

  2. I want this set :) But no longer available

    1. It is still available online! I don't know about in stores (those that are open, anyway) but the official website still has them. Hope that helps!

  3. Waooo!! its really amazing and you looks gorgeous!! Love those tiny lipsticks, love it.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, tiny lipsticks can be so handy for travel or if you're on the go!

    2. yes, perfect for traveling.

    3. For sure! I love travel friendly makeup! :)

  4. Replies
    1. They definitely look pretty. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. These are pretty colours and I love the handbag style packing :-D

  6. Beautiful lipstick colors.

  7. The Charlotte Tilbury set does look cute but too bad the formula sucks:( I've wanted to try that line for the longest time but have always balked because of the price. As your vid shows, the Laura Mercier lipsticks are definitely much better. That is one of my fave luxury lines and I actually don't mind splurging on LM stuff (esp. their lip glosses and tinted moisturizers:D)
    You do look fab in those CT pics:)

    1. Oh gosh, same. I've wanted to try this brand for so long because everyone keeps raving about it! But you're so right....LM seems to be far superior from what I can tell! Thank you <3

  8. Product packaging is unique. Different appearance with other cosmetic containers. The coametic color is also good.

  9. I love the packaging so very CUTE. nice shades as well

    1. Yes, the packaging is great! Definitely really cute.

  10. OMG! I am in love with the set. 💝 The shade Amazing Amal, is perfect on you!!
    Btw, you look like a Zoe Sugg!

    Have a lovely day, darling ❣️

    1. Aww thank you so much! That is really sweet :)

  11. They are beautiful shades on you, especially Amazing Amal! What a nice gift! :) I won some Charlotte Tilburry products in a giveaway a while back and I really liked the lip gloss, although I can't justify rebuying it I'd love to one day :)

    Hope you are having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh, that is wonderful! I'm glad you enjoyed the gloss. Thank you so much :)

  12. I love charlotte Tilbury and they all look so good on you, also, how amazing is your eye makeup?!

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Oh thank you! That made me smile. I really appreciate your kind comment :)


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