Monday, May 4, 2020

does it work?? burt's bees renewing algae hydrogel eye mask

Skin care is an important part of any beauty routine. Unfortunately, it often gets put on the back burner in my life. By the end of the day, I am often too worn out to worry much about skin care. So I like to keep it super simple and straight to the point. However, lately my life has been a little bit different. I've had far more time to pamper my skin and focus on TLC. Which is why it seemed like the perfect time to put some of the masks in my collection to use. I started with the Burt's Bees Renewing Algae Hydrogel Eye Mask. This single use under eye mask was definitely intriguing. Simple, easy to use, and natural. So...did it work? Was this eye mask effective? Keep reading to find out how it performed.

This particular mask came with two individual under eye masks. While many are made up of traditional sheet mask material...these were more like gel or silicone. They were rubbery and coated in the ingredients. Essentially, you apply them to the under eye area and leave them for five minutes or so. According to the brand, they are meant to reinvigorate tired under eyes, reduce the appearance of dark circles, and provide nourishment to this delicate skin. The masks contain ingredients like Rosehip Seed oil and Jojoba oil. Since this drugstore brand is all about being as natural as possible, it should come as no surprise that the eye masks are made more than 99% natural ingredients and contains no parabens. In terms of the ingredients, I cannot fault the brand. It is nice to see there is a focus on items that are dermatologist tested and contain fewer unnecessary additives.

So....does it work? Somewhat. The Burt's Bees mask applies nicely and stays in place with ease. It also feels cooling and pleasant while on the skin. Unfortunately, I didn't notice any benefits whatsoever. My under eye area didn't look or feel refreshed. There wasn't added hydration. My dark circles weren't reduced. While the masks themselves are nice, the reality is that it didn't deliver on the promised results. So unfortunately this isn't a winner in my books. It certainly makes me feel pampered. However, without the actual payoff of the skin care results? This simply isn't something that I would recommend. There are superior options available. Ones that are reusable or offer more than one usage per package.

Rating: 1 / 5

Overall, these under eye masks are cooling and refreshing. They apply easily and feel pleasant. Sadly, despite the positive aspects, they were a massive letdown. These Burt's Bees eye masks simply did not deliver on the product claims. 

Have you tried these eye masks? Are you a fan of Burt's Bees?


  1. Wonderful review as always 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 have a lovely day...

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you're doing well!

  2. Oh men , sucks that they don't do what they claim :(

    1. It does! Always a letdown when something doesn't live up to the claims. Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Great review.I'm sorry though that this product did not deliver results as per the claims.It sucks when such happens.Have a great week.

    1. It does! But at least now I know moving forward. I hope you have a great week as well!

  4. That's a pity that this product doesn't work as it claims.

  5. Hi lovely:) I have one of these products but just other brand, I'll try to prove it this week and I'll tell you if it works!

    1. I hope it ends up working for you. Fingers crossed!

  6. It's a shame you didn't notice any benefits from this mask, but it's good you got to give it a try! :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start! :) We are on week 6 of staying at home but they have started to lift some restrictions which is nice! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It is but now I've tried it and I know not to purchase it again. So it wasn't a total loss!

      Well that is exciting. I hope that you and your family stay safe!

  7. It always sucks when the products don't deliver the claimed results. I'm still working to find "that" mask that actually works on removing the eyes dark circles and puffiness. Thank you for such a detailed review ;)
    Xoxo ❤

    1. Totally agree with you. It is such a letdown! If you find something that works well, definitely let me know!

  8. Surprised! I thought Burts Bees was a good brand for products?

    1. I've heard so many great things so I was surprised as well!

  9. That stinks that it doesn't really work. I normally really like Burts Bees products

    1. I've always heard good things so it was certainly a let down!

  10. I never tried anything like that, but I was curious. :)

    1. For sure! I am always really curious about skin care products.

  11. I never knew about but lip balm from Burt's Bees. Too bad eye mask is not as good as lip balm

    1. Yeah, it was a real letdown. I have one of their lip balms but haven't tried it yet. Fingers crossed it performs better!


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