Friday, May 22, 2020

i followed a colourful makeupbysaz tutorial

Over the years, I have watched a lot of makeup tutorials. Hundreds. Thousands, even. At first this was because my makeup skills were limited. Thanks to places like YouTube, a world of previously unknown information - as well as various skills and techniques - suddenly became available to me. I was entertained, inspired, and constantly learning how to improve my makeup application. One of my very early inspirations? MakeupBySaz. This fabulous YouTuber, blogger, and Instagram creator has been an important part of my journey with makeup. She has taught me skills and has pushed me to be more creative. Most recently, she posted a video titled, "Summer Makeup Using Affordable Products." I watched in awe. Since I had a lot of the products she was using....I thought I would attempt to recreate the look myself.

One look at the screenshot above and you can understand why this makeup tutorial was so appealing. It was colourful and exciting. Not to mention the fact that it incorporated a cut crease and even a bit of glitter! Since I had never properly tried to execute a cut crease before (and this tutorial was posted in the midst of quarantine) there seemed to be no better time to follow Jessica Blantonh's tutorial. Plus, I was thrilled to put some of my favourite drugstore and high end items to the test, including the Jaclyn Hill Volume Two eyeshadow palette from Morphe. On a grey and gloomy Saturday morning, I set up my laptop, pulled up the MakeupBySaz YouTube video, and started to dig through my makeup collection. Anything used in the tutorial that I owned came out. As did some substitutions. However, I did my best to follow the tutorial exactly as it was presented. In case you are interested in seeing the video, it is below. And trust me, it is worth a watch!

For the eyeshadow, I used a combination of the Jaclyn Hill Volume Two palette and the James Charles palette (both from Morphe). Since I didn't have a white base to lay down for the cut crease, I substituted my lightest concealer and packed white eyeshadow on over top. At first, I tried the white in the James Charles palette but it wasn't quite impactful enough for this specific look. So I made good use of the Alyssa Edwards eyeshadow palette from Anastasia Beverly Hills. That white shade in particular is bold and was exactly what I needed to create contrast. I used a Stila glitter on the cut crease and a finished it all off with false lashes from the dollar store. (No lie! Though expensive lashes can look really is also possible to find awesome lashes for a significantly lower price.) On the cheeks, I used a bronzer from Too Faced, a blush from The Needs Palette from The Emily Edit collection, and a highlight from Sleek on the cheekbones. Then for the lids, I reached for the liquid lipstick, Bunny, from Kylie Cosmetics.

Ready to see how it turned out? If you follow me on Instagram, you've already gotten a sneak peek! Otherwise, just keep scrolling. Though it didn't look exactly like the MakeupBySaz version (hers seemed to be so much brighter than mine but that it definitely something that I can work on for next time)... I was really happy with the way it turned out. This makeup look was really different for me - and allowed me to sharpen my skills. Nothing is better than that.

Overall, this was a really fun experience. I think a lot of us tend to fall into certain makeup ruts or routines. This is something that I am especially guilty of. Particularly when I am in a rush or need to put my makeup on quickly. There is always a few go-to looks or styles that I can lean on. That makes this tutorial even better. The MakeupBySaz video was a wonderful opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, do something different, and become better. I've been a fan of MakeupBySaz for such a long time (you can check out an interview I did with Jessica Blantonh way back in 2012 for proof of that) and it was thrilling to recreate one of her incredible makeup looks.

What do you think of this look? Are you a fan of MakeupBySaz?


  1. This is a pretty look on you Shannon, love it :-D

    I don't know her though.

    1. Thank you very much! Her channel is definitely worth checking out :)

  2. What a nice makeup 😊 thanks for your wonderful sharing 😊

  3. oh wow!! not my style but you copied it very well and its nice on you :))

  4. Looks stunning you did such a great job Love the colours Amazing xoxo Cris

  5. Wow! You have done an incredible job! Lovely makeup! Wonderful Post!

  6. Replies
    1. Right? Her original look was just so stunning! Thank you very much for stopping by!

  7. Thank you for always sharing. You make me wanna do dressup

  8. What a fun look! I think you did really well recreating it, it's a lovely colour on you! :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend :) We aren't doing much, staying home and staying warm with that cold winter weather that's here!

    Away From Blue

    1. Thank you! That means a lot to me! I had a really nice weekend (staying inside except for a walk with my husband) so that was good. I'm glad you had a relaxing one!

  9. You look very beautiful! 👏👏👏 Have a great weekend! 🎀🎀🎀

  10. Oh woww you look amazing!!
    It's a beautiful look tbh :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. It really is! She created such a gorgeous makeup look. It was a lot of fun to try it for myself!

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, she did such a great job! Recreating it was exciting, for sure. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. it looks great on you! I really like it!


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