Thursday, May 28, 2020

junk food inspired accessories + fashion inspiration

It may seem crass to follow up my last post (which was dedicated to reviewing Richard Simmons workout videos) with a post about junk food is what it is! Recently, I was gifted a couple of pieces from Betsey Johnson. Her designs are always fun, vibrant, and a little bit out there. So it should come as no surprise that these particular pieces were inspired by junk food. There is a soda pop necklace and a burger necklace. Which perfectly compliments my french fry necklace from Betsey. I've got a full combo going on now! Today, I wanted to show you the latest Betsey Johnson pieces in my jewellery collection and highlight some junk food inspired fashion items that never go out of style.

Betsey Johnson Junk Food Inspired Necklaces

How cute are the necklaces, shown above? That is one thing that I truly admire about Betsey Johnson designs. They are always so colourful and exciting. They are inspired by symbols of pop culture and have a way of showcasing an endless amount of personality. Both of the necklaces are wonderful additions to my collection. I love the little soda necklace with the crystal heart (complete with a bendy straw) and the double stacked crystal hamburger with cheese and lettuce. So cute! Both of these come on dainty gold coloured chains which work to contrast the heavy charms. These necklaces have a good amount of weight to them. That weight adds to the luxurious feeling that these whimsical pieces offer. There are so many fabulous details here. The colours, the addition of the crystals, and the gold accents all create a beautiful pair of accessories.

These necklaces have definitely been making me smile lately. They also made me realize just how many food-related items that are hanging in my closet or are in my jewellery collection. There is just something so fun and laid-back about these kind of designs. They touch on pop culture, are amusing, and a little bit unexpected. When it comes to fashion...unexpected is always a good thing. Which is why this post needs a little bit of fast food fashion inspiration.

Fast Food Fashion Inspiration 

It is becoming more and more common to see. Countless fashion brands (both luxury designers and ultra affordable brands) have been featuring popular food and snack items on their pieces. Just think back to the 2014 collection from Moschino. It was all red and yellow - and even had visors and kids meal inspired handbags. Needless to say, since then, there have been many other junk food inspired fashion items available. That includes dresses, t-shirts, hoodies, shoes, and just about every imaginable accessory. If you are searching for something that looks fun and tasty, it won't be difficult. There are plenty of high end versions as well items from more accessible brands. Here are a few pieces to inspire your next outfit. 

As you can see, it has never been easier to add a little comfort food to your next outfit. Pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, cookies, and anything else you could possibly desire can be the print or focus of any ensemble you throw together. These are just a few examples to inspire you. Thank goodness these Betsey Johnson necklaces reminded me of junk food fashion!

Are you a fan of food related fashion items? Which piece inspires you?


  1. Loved this necklaces 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  2. What fun necklaces! :) I used to have little doughnut bag keyrings on my bags, but over time I lost them, I don't think the chains were very secure :( They were fun to have for a while though!

    Hope you are having a lovely week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh, that sounds like it was really cute! I'm glad you were able to enjoy them while you had them :)

  3. Aww I love the coffee to go cup pendant! So cute!
    These are fun designs to brighten up the days...


    1. Absolutely! I love that fashion can be fun and really make days brighter!

  4. Thiis is sooo cool. I would never wear that, but it is very interesting. Nice post dear!♥

  5. Betsey JOhnson really does the cutest pieces! I love these, Shannon, and can totally see why you have many food-related jewelry.:) You can't help but smile when you see them. And I remember that 2014 collection. Definitely kitschy. If they weren't so expensive, I wouldn't have minded buying one dress:P
    Have a great weekend!
    PS Thank you as always for your thoughtful comment on my last post. After all these time, I still don't understand how people think social distancing and wearing mask are a joke. :( People think I'm rude when I walk away from them, and my kids are like, "Just start coughing." :P

    1. Exactly! I love when fashion makes you smile. It doesn't always have to be so serious. There is enough serious stuff in the world as it is. And you are so welcome. It was refreshing to see someone else talking about that issue. You aren't rude at all to walk away. You are doing the right thing! <3

  6. My daughter loves fashion inspired by junk food and Moschino is always the top!

  7. These are interesting. I like such styles because they are different! Haha I have a t-shift of the Chicken places from Breaking Bad - TV and fast food combined!

    1. Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing. What a perfect combination!

  8. Great post, Thanks for sharing, x

  9. Everything looking very nice! 👏👏👏 Thanks for sharing! 👌👌👌 Happy weekend! 🌈🌈🌈

  10. Replies
    1. For sure! I love when fashion can be really fun and exciting.

  11. Those clothes are very cool. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

  12. These are all really cute, I especially love the necklaces and the shoes.

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love the shoes, too. I wish they were in my closet!


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