Friday, June 19, 2020

life hacks for your next night out

It’s Friday night and you are ready to take over the city. Well, sort of. Though the world has been at a standstill lately, things are slowly getting back on track. Bit by bit, little by little, things are opening up and we are diving headfirst into our new normal. What will that look like? How will things change? A lot of information is still up in the air. While we are in this in between of is nice to think about the future. About making plans, going out, and having fun. Perhaps that is why my mind has been on nights out with friends. Of getting glam, splurging, and having a fabulous time. With any night out there is always an unexpected mishap or two that threatens to ruin it all. Not this time. I am planning ahead! From getting ready to making lasting memories, these life hacks are guaranteed to improve that next night out. Whenever it may happen.

Life Hacks For Getting Ready

You are putting the finishing touches on your night out look. Yes, you are looking great and feeling even better. Until something small manages to de-rail your confidence. Never fear! There are simple solutions for every pesky problem. Here are a few helpful life hacks for getting ready…

Your nails aren’t dry. Still. There is nothing so frustrating as waiting for nail polish to dry. (Trust me, I've been there before. That is one of the reasons I tend to reach for fast drying formulas.) You keep waiting and waiting and waiting. All you want to do is get on with your night. Unfortunately, nail polish often takes way longer that anticipated. Not this time! Put on your nail polish as usual. Then dip your nails into a small bowl of icy water. Keep your nails submerged for a couple of minutes before you remove them. By the time you do, your polish will be perfectly dry. Easy, right?

Your shirt collar or dress is wrinkled. Don’t have an iron handy? Running late? Need to make a quick fix? You can remove pesky wrinkles from your shirt collar or from your favourite dress. All you need to do is grab a hair straightener. Carefully glide the plate over the wrinkled area like you would if you were using iron. It’s faster – and it allows you target wrinkles more effectively.

Life Hacks To Amp Up The Evening

It’s not just getting ready that can cause minor setbacks. There is so much more to a successful night than the way you look. You want your night out experience to be fantastic from start to finish. So, how can you make it happen? With these life hacks, of course….

You chose to eat garlic bread at dinner. Now you have a serious case of garlic breath.  Okay, so that cheesy bread was amazing. Except there were no complimentary mints at the end of your meal…. and your breath is not ready to get you through the rest of the night. Don’t panic. Just grab a green tea. End your meal with a cup or stop by the next coffee shop you come across. Your bad breath will be gone before you reach the next destination.

There are tons of great bars, clubs, and restaurants to choose from. That’s the good news. The not so good news? They can be pretty loud. If you are looking for some meaningful conversation or want to enjoy some much-needed catch up time with friends (especially after such a long quarantine), a noisy environment makes this difficult to achieve. The solution? According to recent studies, your right ear is better at deciphering speech that is quiet, muted, or quick. So, put your best ear forward. 

Little snafus make fun-filled nights out less than ideal. Not anymore. With these simple but effective life hacks, your next evening will be one to remember. 

Have you started thinking about nights out? Where will you go first?


  1. These are so cool! I love the ice water trick, I definitely have to try it next time! I have to write these hacks down for later haha :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Oh, awesome! I'm so glad you found them helpful. Hopefully they will come in handy in future. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing! 🤗🤗🤗

  3. While I think nights out are quite a rarity for me, even more with the virus, haha! I have used that hair straightener trick before when getting ready for work if something needs a quick iron but I don't have time, ha!

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh gosh, I feel that. With everything happening in the world, it may be a while yet until I feel safe to head on out. But I like looking forward to it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.

  4. OMG these are hacks are really helpful! Thanks for sharing the tips! :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  5. Very nice and interesting hacks for night outs! Wonderful Post!

  6. Yes, hair straighteners to the rescue!


    1. It is always handy! Thank you so much for visiting!

  7. Çok az kalabalık yerlere gidip dışarı çıkabiliyorum virüs yüzünden ama faydalı bir yazı olmuş 😊 güzel bir pazar günü dilerim 😊

    1. Oh, same. It will be a while until crowded places feel normal or safe again. But it's always nice to think about!

  8. I’m not really an night out person unless it’s date night or for church but these are such good tips darling , thank you ❤️

    1. I hope they come in handy at some point! Thank you for visiting.

  9. This post is actually really helpful!
    The garlic bread tip is amazing btw, ill have it in mind!!
    Thanks for sharing :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz<

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you think so. Thank you very much!

  10. Here in Italy the quarantine has been over for about a month but I have not yet organized an evening out with friends. We will certainly meet again soon for a good repatriation.

    1. Oh wow, has it really? I think it's smart that you've been waiting and haven't rushed out. Hopefully soon you'll be able to plan things!

  11. Good tips! Didn't know that about the polish :-O

    I know sign language, and when out with others that know it too, it comes in very handy! Though no idea when Scotland will be opening pubs or clubs again :-|

    1. Do you really?? That is so cool! What an excellent skill that is!


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