Sunday, June 21, 2020

must-have stylish summer accessories

How will you spend your summer? Walking along the lake shore? Enjoying a backyard barbecue? There are so many exciting possibilities. Though the world has certainly been through a lot lately, this is the perfect time to wave goodbye to anxiety and stress. At least for a little while! Summertime is most commonly spent partaking in fun activities and making the most of nature. No wonder so many people call summer their favourite season. Is it yours? Then make the most of it. These stylish summer accessories will keep you sun-ready every step of the way.

Get Creative With Sunglasses. Growing up, sunglasses were just a way to protect your eyes from the hash sunlight on a warm summer day. These days, they are so much more. Sunglasses are the ultimate summer fashion accessory. They come in a wide range of shapes, designs, and colours. (Which I can attest to, seeing as I absolutely adore sunglasses. I can't seem to stop buying them!) Want a pair that is edgy and over the top? Look for sunglasses with intricate details along the band or choose a dramatic shape, like cat eye, square, or octangular. Looking for something chic and sophisticated? Grab a pair of massively oversized specs. For something trendy and fun, choose aviators with purple tinted lenses or a pair of wayfarers in neon. There are so many shade styles to choose from. Pick a pair that reflects your own personal preferences and remember to rock them with confidence. 

Grab a Floppy Sunhat. For a while, sunhats were hard to pull off. Not anymore! Now that styles from the 60s and 70s are back in vogue, finding a stylish sunhat is easier than ever. Which is great because they protect you from the sun and look absolutely fantastic. You can find the perfect sunhat by browsing any fast fashion store (think H&M or Zara) as well as higher end shops. If you'd prefer to do your shopping online, there are plenty of stylish options to choose from that won't destroy your seasonal budget. It won't take long to find exactly what you're after. Be sure to wear your new sunhat with a cute summer romper or use it to dress up a casual maxi skirt. Another wonderful suggestion is a 70s style Bring On The Sunshine T-Shirt. With a bit of retro flair on your side, every day will be a fashion forward day.

An Oversized Beach Bag. Here is the great thing about summer fashion. There are tons of great looks to create. Neon, prints, short shorts, long dresses….fashionistas have their pick this time of year. If you are more beach bum than bohemian beauty, there is one summer accessory you absolutely need to take with you: a beach bag. One option? Look for a sturdy cloth bag with a seasonal print. It could be palm trees, have a cute saying, or be covered in fun colours. Or you might prefer a trendy woven bag instead. Ideally, whatever you choose should work with your favourite beach ensemble. For instance, if you love wearing bikinis with fashionable cut outs and tons of gorgeous details, a metallic beach bag will perfectly compliment your style. Or if you are all about comfort, a beach bag that is easy to carry is a must. Once you have found the right bag, load it up with all of the essentials and go have some fun in the sun. 

Other Important Summer Accessories. Thank goodness for accessories! They can dress up a simple tank top and shorts look or dress down a fancier maxi dress. Other fun accessories to have on hand this season? A cute pair of sandals (they should be comfortable but cute. Look for ones with beading, jewels and other details), a pair of flip-flops, or some laid-back woven jewellery. If the latter sounds appealing, don't overlook a stylish anklet. Take this 3Pcs Fashion Sunflower Woven Anklet Set as an example. Everything about it screams summer. There are so many ways to stay sun ready and look fantastic. These accessories are just the beginning. Get creative and have fun with your style this season. Adventure awaits!

What are your must-have accessories for summer? Are you looking forward to warm weather?


  1. Oh what a nice post! I love everything :)
    😊 thanks for your sharing 😊 !!! Photos are amazing !

  2. What a nice post 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. Replies
    1. Same! It is such a special time of year. Thank you so much!

  4. I agree! Beach Bags are an essential! I keep eye-ing a lot of pretty bags at Target and I love all the designs. Enjoyed this post x

    Mari |

    1. I can't blame you one bit for that! Target always has really cute stuff.

  5. Beautiful post you really took your time and analysed the must haves so well.Thank you for this.Have a fantastic week.

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you have a wonderful week as well.

  6. Very interesting post! Thanks for the information! ✔️✔️✔️ Have a great week! 🌺🌺🌺

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great week as well.

  7. Beautiful this maxi bag for the sea!

  8. I have to say, I do love a good floppy sun hat! I'm feeling very ready for summer right now.

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Oh gosh, me too! I wore one yesterday and it made me feel so summery!

  9. I love everything made of straw :)

  10. I think the way Scotland is going, probably still in Lockdown!

    1. Here as well! Though there are still little pockets of summer here and there!

  11. My favourite accesories are the sunglasses, especially the ones with heart shape, they're very unique ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Yes! I have such an obsession with sunglasses. They always make me happy.

  12. I think I totally need that floppy sunhat, Shannon:) Even though I'm pretty sure there's nothing exciting that will be happening this summer since we can't travel, it doesn't mean we have to stay indoors!

    1. You totally do! If anyone can pull off a sunhat, it's you!

  13. I can't spend summer without a hat, really

  14. I want a hat and a maxi bag but the question is when I am going to have the chance to visit the beach? I don´t know- Good pot anyway

    1. I know what you mean. This is definitely an unusual summer this year.

  15. Buongiorno, sono un seguace del 1539. Grazie per aver seguito me e il tuo blog.


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