Wednesday, June 17, 2020

my first femme luxe experience

Femme Luxe is a brand I have heard an awful lot about lately. I've seen glowing review after glowing it was downright thrilling to have three items sent to me to review here on Mansa Fashion. Cute lounge wear to strut my stuff in around the house? Yes, please. I am already the Queen of sweatpants so the idea of having matching looks was incredibly appealing. The website showcased some seriously gorgeous tracksuits, loungewear sets, t-shirts, and comfortable at-home items. Each outfit looked better than the last. Of course, I was eager to receive Femme Luxe goods of my very own. To see if these items were worth the hype. Were they? Honestly, my experience was not a positive one. It is important that I share my true opinions and be totally transparent with you all. There were multiple issues with the order, including incorrect sizes and an outfit that smelled revolting. So. Here it is. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

As you can see from the above pictures, there were three items shipped in all. Each one of those items was shipped in its own clear bag and then placed inside a larger pink Femme Luxe bag. The pink bag had a cute diamond print all over it and looked really cute. I liked the fact that each item (or each set) was sent in individual bags rather than just tossed in altogether. Everything was also folded nicely and looked aesthetically pleasing. Those were the good points. However, there were some issues, as I mentioned earlier. So, here is everything you need to know about my first Femme Luxe experience.

The Good: Khaki Oversized Hoodie Shorts Loungewear Set

Okay, let's start this off on a positive note. Out of the three items that I received, this khaki loungewear set is by far the most impressive. In fact, I really like it a lot. It is essentially made of a (shockingly soft) sweatsuit material. There are two pieces in all. The first is an oversized sleeveless zip-up hoodie with a black ribbed material around the sleeve area. The second piece included in the set is a matching pair of baggy basketball style shorts with an elastic waistband and the same ribbed black material down the side. The design itself is super casual and laid-back. The material is soft and comfortable to wear. The details (the hood, front pockets, and ribbed fabric) add to the overall aesthetic. All in all, this is a wonderful set. It looked just like the picture on the website and had a comfortable and cute oversized fit. 

The Bad: Black No Bad Vibes Oversized T-Shirt

Okay. Next up is this Femme Luxe t-shirt. I have to say, this is something that I was really excited about. There is nothing I love more than wearing a baggy, oversized t-shirt around the house. Especially one with a cute saying on it! The size that I had requested was a Large because this was meant to be an oversized, casual kind of t-shirt. However, the size that I was sent was a Small. Does the shirt physically fit on my body? Yes. Is it the size ordered? No. That to me, is unacceptable. Now, I did contact the company and they offered to send me a new shirt (and lounge wear set, which you will read about in the next section) if I was willing to ship back the incorrect items. However, I was not willing to spend my hard-earned money to ship back clothing items due to a mistake made on their end. In my opinion, that was their error and therefore the shipping costs should either be covered by the company or a new item shipped without charge. Whether this is a deal breaker for you....that is totally your call. For me, it was. The shirt size was incorrect and that was extremely disappointing. 

The Ugly: Pink Glitter Side Loungewear Set

Alright. Now for the ugly. The very ugly. There is a lot to unpack with this one. For starters, this pink loungewear set was also sent in the wrong size. It was a UK 10 instead of the requested US 10. Very different! (For reference, a UK size 10 is the equivalent of a US size 6.) I was hoping for something comfortable and a little loose but instead it ended up being something that barely fit onto my body. It is unwearable for me. In addition to the sizing issues, there is the design itself. The pink colour is beautiful and I love the words printed on the front. That being said, the glitter side detail along the sleeves and side of the sweatpants? Yikes. It looks like someone hot glued a frayed sparkly ribbon onto the lounge wear set. It doesn't look cute. It doesn't look elegant. It just looks cheap. The cherry on top? This particular bag of clothes stunk like a thousand cigarettes. It smelled so badly that I could literally smell that cigarette scent before I even removed the set from the clear plastic bag. The smell was truly awful. Never in all of my years of ordering things online, have I ever experienced that.

I'll be honest. This experience with Femme Luxe was beyond disappointing. The one lounge wear set was nice but between the overall sizing issues and the smell? Talk about a letdown. One misstep, I can understand. But when two out of three items are incorrect, that to me is not okay. Though I have heard a lot of positive things about the company and the clothing...that simply was not my experience.  Quite frankly, I feel terrible having to write such a scathing review, but honesty is always the best policy. Hopefully you all found this review helpful. Or at least truthful!

Have you ever ordered anything from Femme Luxe? What was your experience like?


  1. Ottime scelte, mi piace molto la tuta rosa :)

    1. Thank you! I really wish the pink suit had worked out because I really loved the design when I saw it online.

  2. Replies
    1. Glad you think so! Thank you for your comment :)

  3. que bonito el conjunto rosado! Besos

    1. Pink is my favourite colour so that one really stood out to me. It was a shame it didn't arrive as I hoped!

  4. No, I have not had used from them. I know a few bloggers that use them but I did not find anything that I liked on the site. Sorry to hear your experience was underwhelming. Thanks for sharing.

    1. That is fair enough! Yeah, it was disappointing for sure. But at least now I know!

  5. i don't use sweatshirt much, but thank you for honest opinion. It sad that you don't like all of them.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. It was sad, yeah. Live and learn, I suppose! Thank you for stopping by.

  6. Replies
    1. That's great! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  7. No idea of this site! Sounds like one to avoid for sure :-( I would be horrified at the smell of cigarettes too :-O

    You are right Shannon, honesty is the best and I always appreciate honest reviews :-)

    1. Yes! I've never had anything like that happen before. It was very off putting. Thank you so much <3

  8. Great choices :)

  9. Beautiful clothes. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

  10. I love this site! The products are of excellent quality!

  11. Femmeluxe has nice items
    New post

  12. I hope your order turns out well! Thanks for stopping by!


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