Monday, June 29, 2020

testing out: too faced peach products (powder + lipstick)

I can't quite remember when Too Faced came on my radar. Yet over the years, I have posted about this high end brand dozens upon dozens of times. (The earliest being way back in 2013, where I shared my thoughts on The Return of Sexy eyeshadow palette. You can check out that post here if you're curious.) I am most definitely a fan. There is a lot to like about the brand. Personally, I love the fact that so much attention is put into the overall beauty experience. The products tell a story and they are full of charm and whimsy. With Too Faced, there is always a fun theme, ultra cute packaging, and exciting colours to choose from. They certainly stand out from the other high end brands at Sephora. A little while ago, I was able to add a couple of decently sized Too Faced samples from their line of peach products. This is a line of products I have wanted to try for ages but never quite got around to. So this seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out whether it would be worth it to look into the line a little further. Ready to find out more? Here are my thoughts on the Peach Perfect powder and Peach Kiss lipstick. 

One thing is clear: these are decently sized samples. The Peach Perfect Mattifying Setting Powder in the shade Translucent Peach is normally 1.23 oz while the sample (shown above) is 0.12 oz. There is enough powder in this container to last me quite a while. So, that is a real treat. Many samples these days are one or two use products - and it is refreshing to see something a little more substantial. The Peach Perfect powder has a cute peach design on the lid with gold details and lettering. These little details perfectly tie in the peach theme. As for the product itself? This is described as being a transfer-resistant peach tinted powder. Plus, this high end powder is also scented. The claims are that it: brightens skin, lasts up to 14 hours, creates a silky matte finish. It is also made without parabens, sulfates, and phthalates.

Does it actually work? Yes! I've tried quite a few setting powders over the years and this is easily one of my favourites. The powder is so finely milled that it applies smoothly onto the skin. It feels luxurious and does a wonderful job of brightening the under eye area. Though this powder can certainly be used all over the face, my preference is to use it to lightly bake the under eye area. It brightens but doesn't settle into fine lines. Something else I really enjoy about this powder has to be the scent. It smells like peaches and sweet fig cream. For those that aren't a fan of scented beauty products...the entire peach line from Too Faced should be skipped. However, if you are someone that likes a sweet peach scent every now and then? This might be something to consider. When it comes to scented products, it is so hit or miss for me. Sometimes, I love it. Other times, the fragrance is just too strong. Thankfully, Too Faced usually does a good job of delivering enjoyable and balanced scented beauty items. All in all, this powder is a winner.

Next up in this Too Faced sample review is the Peach Kiss Moisture Matte Long Wear Lipstick from the Peaches and Cream Collection. There are a whopping thirty five shades to choose from, which means lots of variety. As for the shade I had to try? Sex on The Peach. The brand website calls this shade a "spiced mauve" but that isn't quite what I would call it. I'm not getting any mauve from this lipstick shade. Rather, it looks more like a warm mid-toned brown. This doesn't bother me at all because I absolutely adore the shade. It has quickly become one of my recent favourites. I love reaching for it to finish off a makeup look. In terms of the packaging, this lipstick is small but doesn't skimp on the details. It comes in a white tube with raised gold lettering down the side, has a golden interior and a cute peach design on the top. As for the lipstick itself? It has cute printed peaches all over it. That little detail is especially adorable and ties together the themeing well.

The colour is clearly gorgeous. As for the formula? The brand says this is "a hydrating matte lipstick with intense colour." Personally, I was intrigued by the idea of a matte lipstick that still offered hydration. So many matte lip products are dry and uncomfortable - and I absolutely hate that. This Too Faced lipstick lives up to the claims, offering both hydration and a matte finish. It is creamy during application and dries down to a nice wearable matte. Also differentiating itself from a lot of other matte lipsticks...this doesn't feel dry and uncomfortable. This is actually really comfortable to wear and looks beautiful. I really enjoy the formula and plan to put this sample product to good use. Another benefit? Just like the Peach Perfect powder, this is lightly scented. It also smells like peach and sweet fig cream. Delightful!

It was a lot of fun testing out these Too Faced products. Both the powder and lipstick performed well, smelled great, and are wonderful additions to my makeup collection. Plus, they made me curious about the rest of the peach themed line. Hopefully one day in the future, I'll be able to try out some other items from this collection. Until then, I'll be enjoying these products.

Are you a fan of Too Faced? Have you tried anything from the Peach Collection?


  1. Boa tarde sua foto ficou maravilhosa e a maquiagem realçou sua beleza.

  2. Both lipstick and powder look cute. And the colors look great on you.

  3. They sound like fun to try and the scent sounds really nice! I really like the shade of lipstick on you and it's good it's not a drying matte finish! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Aww thank you! Yes, it's a lipstick I've been reaching for a lot lately. Thank you very much. I hope your week is going well also!

  4. i like the shade of lipstick, and powder also looks good.
    New post on My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. For sure! Both products are really wonderful. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I haven't bought much from Too Faced over the years, but man....these samples do look great. The lippie looks soooo fab on you, Shannon:)
    Hope you're having a great start to the week so far:)

    1. I have such a weakness for Too Faced, I swear! I think it's because everything is really cute or smells good. Thank you! I hope you're having a great week :)

  6. The products looking so good on you :)

  7. I know the name, maybe from you! The makeup is nice and the lippy looks lovely <3

    1. Ha, maybe! I feel like I post about them too much but I just love the products!

  8. adoro la marca por lo hermoso de sus packagings y envases. Nunca compre nada , pero en Sephora paso un buen rato mirando todo! Te quedo muy bien el makeup! Besos y te espero por mi blog

    1. I know what you mean! I could spend ages wandering around Sephora. Everything always looks so pretty!

  9. I've always wanted to try Too Faced products. They are a little outside my budget.

    1. I hear you. They can be on the pricey side. I don't know about where you live but some discount stores around me (Winners and Marshalls) often have high end products available for discount prices. Every now and then, I see something from Too Faced there!

  10. I can't remember when Too Faced came on my radar either, but I've been a sucker for their packaging ever since! :]

    // stay safe,
    Carmen // lifestyle blogger

    1. Yes! It's so cute and well themed. Too Faced is definitely hard to ignore!

  11. I love both products, the setting powder looks perfect on your skin and the lipstick colour is so cute! I like this brand, Too faced has some beautiful packagings ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Thank you very much! And totally agree. Too Faced packaging is always really wonderful.

  12. This powder sounds decent. I don't generally set or bake as my skin is on the dry side. But this could work. I may have to try this out next time I am in Sephora.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Mine is as well so I am always very thoughtful about baking! Thank you so much for your comment :)

  13. Too Faced has wonderful products. I would like to try that powder. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day!

    1. They really do! I'm usually really impressed with their releases.

  14. Replies
    1. It really does! I love cute themes like that. Thank you so much for your comment!

  15. Warm colours I like them ☺️


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