Tuesday, July 7, 2020

2 looks 1 palette: wet n wild 32-pan eyeshadow palette

Reviewing beauty products is always fun...but putting those beauty products to good use is the best part. There is nothing more thrilling than opening up an eyeshadow palette and getting creative. Some days, I know exactly what kind of look I wanted to do. Other times, I open a palette at random and wait for inspiration to hit. There is no right or wrong way to go about it. The most important thing is to have fun and express yourself! For me, makeup has always been about that creative expression. Though a look may not always turn out the way I wanted or imagined it would, the process is rewarding and worthwhile. A while back, I added the ColorIcon 32-Pan Eyeshadow Palette from Wet n Wild to my makeup collection. (If you missed my review and YouTube video dedicated to the palette, you can check it out here.) Since then, I've been using it to create lots and lots of different makeup looks. Here are two of the most recent.

Look #1: Warm and Neutral

The first look shown is all about embracing those warm eyeshadow shades in the palette. Unfortunately, these shadows don't have names but for reference, I used the second and third eyeshadow in the third row of the palette. Through the crease, it was a warm medium brown and then a warm orange-toned matte shade on the lid. To give this look a little extra sparkle, I used my fingertip to dab on a bit of the orange-toned shimmery shade directly above it in the palette. It was added just to the centre of the lid for a little more dimension. Additional products included a bit of eyeliner (lately, I've been really loving the Annabelle Kohl Eyeliner Pencil), mascara, a peach-toned blush, and a liquid lipstick from Hard Candy. This all drugstore look was simple but effective - and suitable for everyday wear. 

Look #2: Colourful and Smokey 

Next up? Putting those blues and turquoise shades to use. They were so colourful and exciting....I couldn't resist! I used the turquoise shade on the top row in the outer corner, the shimmery blue from the second row all over the rest of the lid, and a bit of the dark blue from row one on the outer corner and along the lower lash line for a smokey effect. Then through the crease, I blended it all out with a war, shade from the matte row along the bottom of the palette. Then it was eyeliner, mascara, bronzer on the cheeks, and a shimmery gloss from Hard Candy. The look was colourful, smokey, and yet still really wearable. I love that it turned out kind of glam but isn't too over the top either. 

There are so many different ways to make use of an eyeshadow palette. The look you end up with really comes down your creativity and mood. Both of the makeup looks above highlight very different moods but were both really fun to put together. Fingers crossed I can continue to put this Wet n Wild 32-Pan Eyeshadow Palette to good use. 

What makeup looks have you been doing lately? Any palettes that spark your creativity? 


  1. Both looks are amazing but prefer the second :-D

  2. beautiful all your looks, very well pigmented colors
    What a nice brand Wet and Wild is! It has many things of very good quality and excellent price. Unfortunately they do not sell in Argentina, but they do in Uruguay and I make the most of it when I run away there. Kisses

    1. Thank you very much! It's nice that you can stock up on Wet n Wild products whenever you visit!

  3. Both looks are beautiful! I never experiment with eye shadow but I definitely want to, I'll have to check this palette out!

    xx Chelsea

    1. Thank you! Yes, for sure. Playing around with different eyeshadows can be so much fun.

  4. Thanks a lot =) I like this case a lot, it's really cute and I like the print =)

    Two wonderful make up looks with this beautiful palette =) My favourite look is Number 2, I love this colours =)

  5. Very beautiful make up.


  6. Both looks are amazing, so pretty! I especially love the first one because I love warm colours ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. Me too! I have such a weakness for warm eyeshadow colours.

  7. I love both looks but the colourful one is my favourite! It's great you can create two such different looks from the same palette! :)

    Hope your week is going well :) It's turned into a rainy one here!

    Away From Blue

    1. Yes! I love really versatile eyeshadow palettes. Thank you so much!

  8. Wow! I love these look and the first is my favorite!

  9. I loved the first makeup! :)

  10. Both look amazing, but prefer the first makeup ))


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