Friday, July 24, 2020

inspired by: britney spears (mood ring)

Lately, music has really been inspiring my days. Especially the powerhouses of pop. Take Britney Spears as a prime example. This is one musician that has been a part of my life for decades. (And one that has been featured on my blog over and over again.) Her music always manages to inspire and lift me up. More recently, she officially released a song that was initially an international bonus track on her last album, Glory. It quickly went to number one on the iTunes charts and has racked up nearly a million streams on YouTube. Quite frankly...the song is incredible. It also inspired my post for today. It got me thinking about actual mood rings. These nostalgic pieces of jewellery have a unique and undeniable place in the fashion and beauty world. So, today I wanted to take a look back at this icon jewellery design and highlight a handful of mood ring inspired items.

First thing is first. If you haven't listened to the new Britney Spears song...go listen! It will inspire you as you read the rest of this post. (Listen to Britney Spears Mood Ring (By Demand) on YouTube.) Now back to the subject at hand. Mood rings have long been a part of the fashion world. In case you don't know what a mood ring is, the gemstone on a ring changes colour based on temperature changes. That colour is assigned a mood that is thought to represent how you feel. Think happy, sad, lonely, and so on. The first mood rings were created in 1975 by two inventors in New York and quickly became a hot new trend in the world of accessories. Though their popularity waned by the end of the decade, mood rings returned in a big way in the 90s. They were absolutely everywhere. Now? They have experienced yet another resurgence with more updated versions of mood rings making a splash. These days, there are additional colour-changing options as well as more fashionable and modern designs. It seems that this is an enduring (and fun) trend that isn't going anywhere.

It doesn't end there. In addition to the traditional mood ring design there are a handful of other colour-changing products on the market as well. Like the rings, these tend to come in and out of popularity. One example is colour changing lipstick. In decades past, mood lipstick would change from a soft pink to a garish red or vice versa. However, more recent releases are more like custom lipsticks. The combination of your own natural pH and body temperature will alter the colour of the lipstick to a peach, coral, or soft pink that suits your complexion. Or at least that is the theory behind it! Like with anything, these colour-changing lipsticks can vary dramatically in both quality and overall effectiveness.

Another fun way that colour-changing or mood ring inspired pieces have taken over are totally 90s style t-shirts. These have experienced a massive resurgence in recent years. The shirts come in a variety of colours but often start out as white. Then when the sunlight hits the shirt, it begins to change colour. It may also have a unique pattern or design that comes to life in the heat. Though there was a time that a 90s inspired tee wouldn't have been at the forefront of fashion...all that is old is new again. That includes everything from chokers to mom-style jeans and baggy oversized t-shirts. These retro and more nostalgic designs are more popular than ever. So have fun and embrace this exciting time with fashion.

There are also colour changing (or reveal style) mugs and cups - along with mood necklaces, colour-changing purses and even colour-changing sunglasses. When it comes to this type of trend...there are so many possibilities. Not only is this a wonderful way to bring nostalgia from the 70s and 90s to the current day but it is a lot of fun to watch those colours change. What are you waiting for? Be bold and embrace something mood ring inspired this season.

Do you have any colour-changing items? Are you a fan of Britney's new song?


  1. I haven´t heard the new song yet. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day!

    1. It is definitely worth a listen! I love the song so much. Thank you for your comment :)

  2. I had no idea she released somthing new, I loved her first and second album when I was a kid!

    1. Yes, it is fabulous! Her music is everything <3

  3. Great post dear, so nice and interesting, love it! 

  4. I love Britney Spears! I prefer her older material, but she's amazing. I used to have a mood ring when I was a teenager, and I loved it! Those Barry M Lipsticks are so cute, and so affordable too xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. Same! She is so incredible. Yes, mood rings totally take me back to when I was younger. I love them!

  5. I remember those colour changing tees as a kid! they were so fun! I don't think I ever had a mood ring but I remember always trying them on in stores, haha! :) My sister has this lipstick that's clear but it changes colour once you put it on - I forget the name, but it's a similar kind of idea. It's got flowers in it, she was telling me she wanted some but couldn't justify the high shipping price so we surprised her with it for Christmas one year :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! It's a quiet one here as it's raining again!

    Away From Blue

    1. Right?! I absolutely loved them. That lipstick sounds really great. I love that there were flowers in it. How cute! I hope you are having a fantastic weekend as well.

  6. Hello!
    I didn't know britney has released this song! Will listen to it now :)
    I remember i used to have one of this mood rings, i used to love it!
    very interesting post dear, kisses!

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Excellent! I hope you like the song. It has been on repeat in my house a lot lately. Thank you so much for your comment :)

  7. I didn’t know she had a new song. Thanks for sharing. Such a great post , hope you’re well darling ! ❤️

  8. Very nice post ! Thanks for stopping for my blog ! Have a great week! 🎀🎀🎀

  9. OMG Shannon, I remember those tshirts and had one or 2! I love thermal nail polishs, they are just fab! I have seen the Barry M lippys but never tried any.

    I will need to check out the song, I like a lot of her upbeat dancy pop songs. Not a fan of the ballads though! Boys is probably my favourite of hers, the version with Pharrell!

    1. That is awesome! Ooh, thermal nail polishes sound like so much fun. Ah, yes! Boys is such a great song. I have listened to it more times than I care to admit! :P


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